chapter 18

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M. She is your wife he stammers looking at anika who is hiccuping looking at shivaay's face whose lips and forehead is bleeding. She don't care who is around her and who is looking at her. She is just thinking about shivaay who is injured because of her

Shiv. Yes she is my wife legally my wife. I've married her and brought her in this house. I had warned you to stay away from my wife but you didn't listen to me and still tried to put bad eyes over her. How dare you meer. How dare you. He pushed om and punch him again. He about to raise his hand again but Anika stopped him coming infront of him folding hands infront of her

Ani. No shivaay Please don't. Don't fight because of me.

Shiv. Anika he got worried to seeing her crying like a baby and immediately pulled her in his arms hugging her tightly. Anika burst into tears and wrapped her arms around his neck sticking with him like a glue.

Shi. Shshsh I've stopped don't cry just don't

Ani. I'm sorry Shiv. It's all happening because of me. It's all my fault. Please forgive me she hiccups keeping her nand on his neck.

Shiv. It's not your fault ani. It's not. He caresses her hair kissing her there numerous times.

M. You lied to me anika ...

Shivaay broke the hug and look at him angrily hiding anika in his back like he gonna snatch her from him

Shiv. She didn't cheat you ok. Infect she kept refusing to being with you. It was you only who was stooping so low to get her. I had Warned you meer but you didn't listen.. infect tried to being so touchy with my wife... which i didnt like. So from now on if i saw you near her then I'll make sure to kill you with my own hands. Keep this straight in your fuckin brain. Now get out from here before i call security... get outtttt

M. I will never forget my insult shivaay just wait and watch how i take revenge and specially you anika... he smirk and left from there giving last glance to anika who got scared to seeing him and hold shivaay's hand in fear ...

J. Shivaay if something happened to my daughter marriage then see how i kill this girl with my own hands

Shiv. It's better if it's get break. Our priyanka can get good person than this meer brother badi maa so don't bother about it.

J. Are you mad or what shivaay how can you say that

Shiv. Look if ranveer loves our priyanka then he will itself marry her and if don't then he will listen his brother.  Now it's up to him what he does and what not.  Both ways will be better for our priyanka. Got it.  let's go inside Anika he hold her hand and left inside without bothering to look back at his badi maa who is blubbering shit still.

In room

Anika Immediately made set shivaay on the bed and started searching first aid box

Shiv. I'm ok Anika. Stop  panicking

Ani. Have you seen your cuts. How they are bleeding she is crying trying to dig in bandage from the Drawers.

Shiv. Anika calm down.

Ani. Just shut up and let me tend your wounds. She sniffs and set besides him having box in her hand

Shiv. Aaa

Ani. I'm I'm sorry shiv. She made puppy face having tears in her eyes when he hissed in pain

Shiv. It's  not paining. He assure her looking at her face continuously. He is feeling happy to seeing love and care in her eyes for him. It's the first time when he found some feelings in her.   Otherwise she always hid them in some corner of her heart.

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