Chapter 24

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Anika got scared when she saw harsh  erupted infront of them suddenly she interwind hand with shivaay and hold his arm with another hand.

Shiv. What do you want

H. You didn't make me meet your wife shivaay.  She looks really innocent. He about to touch Anika when shivaay come infront of him and glare him

Shiv. Don't even think

H. What happened shivaay why you seems so angry with me. Is there any problem man.

Shiv. There is no problem bada papa. It's just I don't want you near my wife.

H.  Did your wife ask you to talk with me like that

Shiv. Why would she do that.  Why did you think like this

H. No actually when I was at  home before your marriage that time you were fine

Shi yes because loads of things I didn't know but now I know everything

H. What do you mean by that

Shiv. I guess you have understood what I'm trying to say so better you don't make me open my mouth. Hmm let's go baby he hold Anika's hand and left from there.

Shiv. You ok

Anika nods keeping her head on his arms sticking with him like a kid. 

Shivaay smile and left with her.

In car

Anika is sitting lost in her thoughts  when she felt his grip on her hand. She turns her face and look at him  giving him smile.

Shiv. Anika don't worry he will again go away. 

Anika nods running her thumb on his hand.  Suddenly she got confused when he took the car in a house and stopped in parking

Ani. Whose house is this. Shivaay didn't answer and  come out from the car marching towards her side. He open the door for her and pick her up in his  arms making her shock

Ani. What you doing shivaay

Shiv I thought you won't like to go home to seeing his face again so let's spend night here

Ani. But whose house is this Shiv

Shiv.  Our.  Saying this he took her inside carrying her in his arms.


He set on the sofa and kept her in his lap holding her waist

Shiv. Anika

Ani. Hmm she hmm playing with his button.

Ani. What was your mum name

Ani. Anamika. She  was so beautiful I remember how everyone used to praise my mumma.  But she never proud on herself. Always believed in simplicity. She smiles well telling him about her mother.

Sh . I can say that. He  kissed her hand well looking a her face.

Ani. I'm not even inch of her. She was something different.

Shi. You remember anything. Her passion her family or anything ?

Ani. She used to take me a big office and people used to stand for her.  Once she had told me how papa had cAme in her office for work. That's it after that I don't know. I just remember her face and little glimpse of past nothing else. She sobs bending her head down. Shivaay sighs and hugged her tightly  caressing her hair

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