chapter 15

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Anika got shocked when he placed his lips at her. He cups her face  from both sides and started sucking her lips like  it's his favourite candy. He can't believe her lips can be taste so good. It's been so many days he was observing her fully and these lips were seemed His addiction. He felt like to keep tasting them till his heart doesn't fill up. He didn't care how she is wriggling it how her tears are slipping from her eyes.  He just pulled her more thrust his tongue inside her mouth tasting every corner of it.  Suddenly he grasp when she pushed him with  force and  got up crying in mess. In non second he realised what he did.  He got up and try to touch her but she just  jerked  him off and stepped back

Ani. Don't touch me. What you think yourself. How can you force  me to be intimate with you. I can't believe in jealousy you can do this.  First you scared me with your threats and then forced me to kiss you. How could you shivaay.  It's been three years we are married and on the first of marriage you left me alone. After that whenever you cAme back you never spent a second with me infect never talked me and left again. You never given chance to this marriage. Always ignored me.  But now after three years when you returned straight away you said you want divorce from me. You don't like me infect you have girlfriend who is pregnant with your baby. That time as well I didn't say you anything infect got ready to free you.  You itself said I'm nothing to you.  We don't share any relationship.  That thing which happened before three years it was joke a mistake for you then why why now you are showing right over me. What happened suddenly that you started getting over possessive over me. What's going on in your mind. Why don't you tell me. Why don't you just make me aware about your inner  feelings.  Plz stop using me like I doll in Fed up to being use. Let me live my life like a human being. Stop giving me hopes which you gonna break.  You don't know how much its  hurts when someone don't like you but still use you for his own benefit.  First was your family and now you also doing same thing why you people don't consider me an human why you are treating me like a puppet. Plz stop it. If someone is being nice with you then then that's doesn't mean you will
Take advantage of her goodness.  Plz stop it shivaay.  Let things go the way it's going. I don't want to feel heart broken in end of our relation. It's just matter of one more month then we will officially get divorce.  Kindly stop it just stop it. She cry throwing herself on the floor crying like anything.

Ani. I'm so tired so tired. She hiccups like a baby  hugging her legs tightly

Ani.  Don't do this shivaay just don't do it. 

Shiv. Ani Anika he try to touch her but she didn't let him and turned her face keeping her arm over her eyes

Shiv. Look look here. He remove her hand from her eyes and  pulled her up holding her arms

Shiv.  Look I'm I'm sorry l know I did big mistake but I can't see you with someone else. Just can't. It's unbearable for me.  You know what I mean. I tried. I tried many times but always ended up being so possessive. Its just so hard for me to pretend I don't care. I do care when someone try to show his write over you. I do feel hurt when someone's desire to have you. I don't like when a man say he likes you. I just can't bear it. Can't. he muffled cupping her face with his big hand. 

Ani. Why can't you see it shivaay when you are leaving me. Today or tomorrow someone will like me and would wish to marry me then I guess maybe for Running my life I've to get with him So tell what will you do that time.  What will you  do.

Shiv.  I will break his legs and arms together he said gritting his teeth in anger

Ani. You are insane shivaay every day I see your different face. Plz stop all this nonsense. Just stop this shit.  Its better we should stay away from each other and that's best thing for us. Otherwise for me specially it will get hard to be away from you

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