Chapter 26

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In morning

Anika got up with bad headache and look around finding herself alone. Her heart broke thinking about her past when shivaay was with her and used to adore her when she used to sleeping. But today she is alone there is no one who could call her beautiful or kiss her making her morning bless. She thought he will be always with her. Will never leave her alone. But might it was all dream. He never loved her. It was facade so that she could get under him and he got succeeded as well. She cAme in his trap and he Ruin her life.

Ani. Why did you do that Shiv. Why did you broke my heart. She sobs thrusting her face in the pillow soaking her tears In there

Ani. I hate you shivaay I hate you but not more than I love you. She hiccups crying bitterly suddenly she felt uneasiness and she run towards washroom holding her mouth. She reached in kitchen and emptied everything in the sink. In this time she needed him most but he left her and didn't care if she is ok or not infect busy with another lady. But it's not his fault even it's her fault who given him chance. If she won't had then today she would had gone far away and won't had feel the way she is feeling today. She hate herself to trust him and love him. He never deserve her. Never ever. She splash water over her face and look in her eyes which are looking so red and puffy. She sniffs running hand on her face and left from there.


Jhanvi. What the fuck your made Anika. Do you wanna kill us With this shity food.

Ani. I'm sorry aunty I'll get another

P. What you doing jithani ji why are you being so cruel with her.

Jhanvi. Oh seems like you care for her but where this care had gone when your son was introducing someone else as his wife.

Shiv. What's happening here badi maa. He said grabbing the seat on the chair along with ridhima who is carrying baby. Anika's eyes filled in tears to seeing her sitting on her chair but then she immediately wipe it to thinking it was just temporary place for her and now she is standing there which is belong to her in real.

Jhanvi. Go and get food for shivaay.

Ani. Hmm

Ridhima. Who is she

Shivaay look at anika but she turned her face without giving her glance.

Shiv. She is erm she is

Ani. I'm his maid. I work here. She said looking in shivaay's eyes whose heart broke after hearing her.

Ri. Ok cool. Can you get milk for baby as it's his time for food

Shiv. I'll call maid

Ri. She is maid as well right then let her do it. Here take this bottle girl and fill it up till half. Anika just took the bottle and left towards kitchen .

Ri. Shivaay what you looking at. Pass me that cereal pack.

Shiv. Huh hmm he withdrew his eyes where she was standing and passed pack to ridhima

Ri. Why are you not eating anything. Where are you lost

Shiv. Erm no where I'm fine actually I'm not hungry. I'm not feeling to eat. Excuse me saying this he left towards kitchen where Anika has gone.

In kitchen.

Anika stood near counter closing her eyes. Her eyes are just dropping because of spinning head. She don't know what to do and how to get rid of this headache but it's getting hard for her to cop up with it.

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