Chapter 16

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Ani. Stopppp ittttt basss karo tum sab. Nhi Karni shadi kisi sa. Nhi chahiya koi muja. Stop pushing me like that. I'm fed up with your behaviour. I'm human being yar. Stop using me for everything. I've my own life I know what I want what i don't. Stop deciding about my personal life. I don't want you to Behave like you bought me. People don't even treat to animal the way you are treating me. Stop it now just stop it. Don't make me hate my own existence. I don't want you to take decisions on my behalf. I don't want anyone comes in my life and decide to marry me without my constant yes. Stop treating me like a doll. I'm human being. Just don't do which you don't have right to do. I work here then treat me like a worker only. Don't be my owner. Just don't she sobs stepping back showing hand to them.

M. Anika I

Ani. Meer you are not my friend nor relative . I don't consider you anything so stop all this nonsense. Try to like that girl who go well to your parents demand. Not trash like me who got nothing. I never given you hope. Leave hopes I don't know you even. If you helped me once then thats doesn't mean for one favour  you will want me life time. I don't wanna marry you nor wanna keep  any relationship with you.  Stop being like others.  Try to think about my emotions as well you can't take decisions of my life.  Kindly Just don't do it.  Don't make my life more hard. I won't able to handle it. She bite her lips controlling her cry but it's so hard for her to do it .

Meer. Anika try to understand ....

Shiv. Stop it meer stop hurting her more and more. Just go away from here with your mum he said side hugging Anika looking at him angrily.

M. Stop interfering in our matter shivaay. Since I've cAme here you are always come Between us. What's wrong with you.

Shiv. Youuuu

Ani. Stop it stop it. Don't fight because me just don't

Shiv. Try to Listen ani

Ani. Shivaay i said stop it. Just Stop it. She wipes her tears and left from there having so much feelings in her heart which she can't describe.

After sometime

Jhanvi. She is just doing drama. I know that later she will be fine

Shiv. O really and what will she get by this drama. Ha. I had told you badi maa stay out of Anika's matter but you didn't leave infect trying your best to insult her infront of people. Why ? Why are you doing this. What you get afterwards.

J. Shivaay you don't talk about her insult and all. Because you are the only one who gives chance to insult her no one else. Today if she is like this then reason is you. No one is responsible here for her condition. Though if you have so much love for her then why don't you call her your wife. Why did you kept silence when someone was asking to marry your wife.  Shivay blaming other is easy but doing something right is so hard so first  watch your own deeds Before asking me to correct my behaviour. She spits venom rolling her eyes like a witch.

Shiv. It's our personal matter badi maa and I don't like when someone interfere in my personal space but you always pock in it. Kindly keep an eye on your family instead of mine.

Om. What you trying to say shivaay

Shiv. I don't understand you om. Wasa to tum bolta nhi when they insult my Anika but when things come over your wife or mum then suddenly you get alert. If you have so much care about them then try to control them and stop them to not push their figures between us. Did you get that. Saying this he walked out from there in anger

In pinky's room

Pinky is sitting on the bed thinking about something when shivaay enters there

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