Chapter 35

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He pulled her towards him and kissed her lips shutting her mouth.  Right now he didn't think about anything except this to shut her mouth. She was blubbering so much and he had to do something before she says something more. Anika who felt his lips over her she wriggle in his arms to come out but he is the one who is lost in her taste.

Anika cry frustratedly and pushed him away with full force making him fell another corner

Ani. How dare you. How dare you to kiss me even she screams getting up on her feet

Shiv. Anika

Ani. People were right you wants to take advantage of me that's why you were showing concern to me. Now look you kissed me without my permission

Shi. It's it's nothing like that he try to grab her but she didn't let him and pushed him back again

Ani. Don't touch me just don't I hate you shivaay singh oberoi. I hate you. On meantime elevator door got open and she run away from There before he catch her.

In his office

He enters there and saw her packing her stuff

Shiv. What you think what you are doing

Ani. Can't you see sir I'm packing

Shiv. You are not going anywhere. I won't let you do it

Ani. You will let me do it sir

Shiv. You can't leave this job you just

Ani. Why can't I leave this job I guess it's my choice what I want in my life and what not. And right now I don't need this job

Shiv stop this nonsense and put your things back

Ani. I'm not putting she grabs her back and try to go but he hold her hand and brought her back near him holding her arms

Shiv. I'm your boss so you have to listen to me girl

Ani. I don't need to listen to you because I'm leaving this job

Shiv. Fine leave then but first give us 10 lacks which you suppose to give my company for leaving job before six months.

Ani. What do you mean by that

Shiv. Have you forgotten you had sign papers where it was clearly written that you gave to give us ten lacks if you wanted to leave

Ani. But I don't have money

Shi. Than you can't leave this job you will stay here only

Ani. You are a bastard and evil person I've ever met

Shiv. Good now put your things back and complete all the work which I had given you.

Ani. I'm not gonna sit in same room where you will be

Shiv. Then where you wanna sit

Ani. I want separate room. I'm not comfortable in one room with you

Shiv. Fine you will get it. But remember I won't let you go away. Keep this straight in your brain. Understand. Anika glares him and left from there in anger grabbing her some stuff.

It's been one more week and Anika is less talking to him. She just comes do her work and goes home. But shivaay he is restless he wanna talk to her love her pamper her but it's feeling like it's impossible to do. She is so stubborn to stay away from him. She strictly trying to keep a good distance between them so that he doesn't come near her. Neither talk to her

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