Chapter 07

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In afternoon

All are doing lunch well Anika is standing in the kitchen thinking about shivaay. These days he is being good with her. Infect he care for her. He takes stand for her infront of everyone but this thing is not able to disguise by her. That person who was hating her before a month right now he is behaving so differently. She agreed he don't talk to her much and if he does then shout at her only but his actions are different than his words. Which are not going well to her. She wanna know what's going in his mind and why he is doing this and most important thing what about his girlfriend and would be baby m for whom he wanna leave her. Suddenly her trance broke when Dadi comes there and shake her holding her shoulder

D. What you doing here putar. Won't you do lunch

Ani. I'm not hungry Dadi. Don't worry

D. Ok if you are not hungry then can you do something for me

Ani. Yes Dadi say

D. Take this lunch for shivaay. He must be hungry. Even om was saying he always forget to do lunch well working so plz take it

Ani. But Dadi I

D. I'm not listening anything. Just take this lunch box and go to his office.

Ani. Ok Dadi

D. Car is waiting for you outside.anika nods and left from there holding he box.

In office

She hesitantly enters there and why won't she when she never been there. It's her first time she visited this office. Otherwise they never let her to come here. She is wife of shivaay singh oberoi but never got which she deserved she always got less than others or better to say never get anything infect she lift up Her expenses on her own no one gives her even penny however all family bank get fill after exact month except her. Suddenly her trance broke when she bump with someone

Ani. I'm sorry

La. Can't you Walk properly. You spoiled my whole dress. She huffs at her wiping her dress which got wet with water

Ani. I'm sorry I did mistakenly. I was not willing to do it.

L. I don't know what kind of people comes here. Bloody middle class.

Ani. I'm sorry. She whispered and went towards receptionist to ask shivaay's office

Ani. Can you tell me where shivaay's room is

Re. Who are you and why you asking for his room

Ani. I'm I'm his

O my god first you spoiled my dress and now you are calling sir by their name and even asking for his room like you owned it

Ani. Look i don't wanna talk to you so plz don't spoil my mood and you madam plz can you tell me where his room is

R. I'm sorry but I can't let you go like this. You have to get appointment for that

Ani. But I'm

L. What's wrong with you why are you arguing. She said na you can't go inside then that's mean you can't. Stop ranting again and again now get out from here. Don't spoil reputation of our office being in this tacky dress.

Ani. Look I don't know you neither you know about me so better stay away from me and you reception tell me where his room is. I wanna meet him

L. I know where he is

Ani. Where

L. Go on second floor and turn right there would be a big hall. He is present there.

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