Chapter 5

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Blake's POV
We have been driving for a couple of hours, having left the town behind us but I had this feeling that we were being watched. It started when we went through town, hitting what I assumed was town square. Pretty much, as we were going through, I saw the husky dude when I got tackled by his German Shepherd buddy. Nonetheless, I don't think he saw me but I doubt that. Besides that, we were in the woods, Jake was quiet, and I was still concerned about Sophie. Even tho she didn't give up the information about me, they took her. If Jake was right that this was the government then I won't be safe unless I was off the grid, or in this case disappear.

As I stared out the window, Jake sighed before he spoke.

Jake: So did Sophie ummmm treat you well?

Blake: Yeah, if you call housing you that.

I said looking back forward down the road. Jake remained quiet, soon seeing he had know idea what to say or ask. Despite his shock and worry for Sophie, he was nervous around me. After a bit I decided that this would be a good opportunity to learn about his species, even get some history.

Blake: So tell me, since you guys know so much about humans, based from what Sophie said, tell me about you guys, as a race.

Upon asking the questions, Jake thought for a moment before responding.

Jake: start, the first Anthros or furries as they were called, were created in a lab by you guys.

I perked up, surprised but intrigued. So, they were created by us, humans. I listened more intently as Jake continued to share their history.

Jake: The scientists treated them well and at first was just making them to eventually get research and dispose of them but they eventually decided against that. Then thats when the gas went out, or whatever it was that killed the humans off.

Blake: The toxin.

Jake: Yeah, the toxin went out and killed you  off. We were immune to it, but despite the scientists efforts to make something for it, it was no use. They sent them off and told them that they were to continue where your race left off, in like science and stuff. And they did, eventually they created many more and it led to where we are now. We learn about the humans because it is sort of honoring them for allowing us to continue after them.

Jake finished as I processed what he shared. It was surprising to say the least but it was the fact that the scientists changed their minds in just using them for lab rats. I knew that it was wrong but them changing their minds kinda warmed my heart. Nonetheless, my thought process was interrupted as Jake spoke up.

Jake: So now that you know about us, tell me, you the only one left?

Blake I pondered on the question, but only remember me in that stasis tube. Soon after I nodded.

Blake: Yes, but my story is.........unique.

Jake: Unique? How so?

Blake: Because I was there when the toxin was released.

This made Jake perk up in amazement, obviously, but also a bit of confusion.

Jake: You were there?

Blake: Well, I was there when it happened not where it was released. Now just so you know, my memories are fuzzy and are slowly coming back, but I just have the feeling that I was there when it happened, somewhere.

Jake: Huh, so if you were there during the last moments of humanity, how are you alive? That happened like hundreds of years ago, no human can survive that long.

Blake: Thats because I was in something called stasis. Pretty much I was in a tube, filled with liquid and it kept me alive. Plus I was asleep and the side effects of coming out is fuzzy memories, or what I think are the side effects.

A Human in a New World(Rewrite): A Hidden SecretWhere stories live. Discover now