Chapter 11

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Blake's POV
It had been a couple hours, myself sleeping in the passenger seat till I was awoken to a bump in the rode.

Felix: Get woken from your nap?

I would stretch a little as I sat up nodding.

Blake: Yeah, but thats fine, we there yet?

Felix: I believe so.

He said as I looked around, seeing that we were quite deep in the forest, soon stopping. Ahead of us was a large cabin, a sort of large shed behind it.

Blake: Huh, didn't expect her to have this.

Felix: Yeah, but it does beg the question of whats inside.

Blake: True.

Upon which I got out, Felix doing the same as Sarah was already at the front door. Us two approaching the cabin. The place was quite nice and cozy, the woods hiding away the nice little home Sarah had made here. Sarah soon entered the house as we soon followed.

Inside I was surprised by the simple decorations she had, many being just simple portraits of landscapes and such. It also had the feel that a scientist lived here based off of the various devices and books we saw strewn about.

Sarah: Sorry about the mess, I don't get visitors up here.

We simply nodded as she led us down a small hallway down to two bedrooms.

Sarah: Now, we only have two beds here so.....

Before she could finish her thought Felix spoke up.

Felix: I will take the couch or sleep in my car.

Sarah was slightly surprised as she looked to him.

Sarah: You sure? I don't know how comfortable the couch is, and.....

Felix: Its okay, I have slept on worse things, and Blake can take the other bed, as the last thing we need is a human with a bad back.

He said jokingly as he went into the living room, of which was the room we entered when entering the cabin. Yet I could tell Sarah had a plan but it crumbled quickly as I patted her head.

Blake: Its okay Sarah, you don't have to get so stressed over something like this.

I said as she nodded but hugged me.

Sarah: Yeah but I wanted us to be together tho.

Once she said that she quickly backed away blushing.

Sarah: Sorry, thats just my heat talking.

I smiled warmly and nodded.

Blake: Its okay, just remember to takes those pills okay? Now, since we are here whats the game plan?

She would think, seeing that she had a few ideas but didn't have any concrete plans.

Sarah: First I have to get my lab in the back all ready and set up which will take all day today. But I actually do have something for Felix to do.

Blake: Which is?

Sarah: We need some food and such since we will be here for awhile. I don't normally keep the fridge stocked on food since I am gone for school. Summer is the only time I can be here.

Blake: Makes sense, while you get the lab ready I will go with Felix and get that. Seeing that four hands is better than two.

She nodded, but I could tell she wanted me to stay. It wasn't wrong for her to want that but with her heat, it would be best for me to not be around her till her pills kick in, that is if she takes them. I simply hugged her, rubbing the back of her head lovingly.

A Human in a New World(Rewrite): A Hidden SecretWhere stories live. Discover now