Chapter 9

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Blake's POV
We were on the road again, driving through the forest, me sitting in the passenger seat. As we drove, I could tell Sarah was in higher spirits from last night, and I noticed i was too. I can't explain the exact changes that occurred but I have noticed that I feel a desire to stay with her. To me it seemed natural to feel that, and as me and Sarah spoke after we packed up camp. It wasn't a long talk but it did give me insight on what to expect now having mated together.

In simple terms, when an anthro goes into heat, its due to one of the opposite gender. That part is pretty simple, but its when you relieve that heat and after that gets a bit confusing. The sweet smell I mentioned, is normal, simply a pheromone they give off that makes the partner relaxed and calm. Not only that it also makes the intercourse more pleasurable and makes it a bonding experience for them. On the females side, which is usually the situation that happens, she will receive a very strong bond to her mate, so much so that they won't leave them in the beginning. When I say that, I mean they won't leave them out of their sight for a good while but that changes naturally over time, luckily.

Nonetheless, they will get sort of waves after the initial session, of which they will want to do it some more. From what Sarah has told me, the waves can occur over a period of weeks, months, years, or just never go away. Now she did say that due to her shyness, she was holding back quite a bit. I was curious and asked but soon learned that maybe asking was a bad idea as when Shark anthros go into heat they are very dominant and aggressive, even biting their mate, which doesn't wound them severely. Instead their saliva acts as a sort of aphrodisiac making the mate immensely aroused. When asked what happens during that Sarah simply said, if it happens expect a good long session.

That was when I didn't ask relating to shark heat, but she did say that she may become more clingy. Also acting more horny, or wish to 'bond' more, as she says. Now knowing this, it makes more sense but even after being told that, I could already tell she wanted more. I was apprehensive but from looking to Sarah, I get a feeling of calm, telling me that it will be okay, despite the biting part.

Nonetheless, our drive was mostly quiet, just us enjoying the scenery around till I spoke up.

Blake: So, uhhh I should have asked this earlier but does that mean that.....

I was soon cut off by Sarah as she had a smile.

Sarah: It means we are mates, or husband and wife by what humans call it.

I nodded, one surprised yet nervous by us being mates now, yet comforted. I guess that thats how love works but I smiled.

Blake: So now what? We get to your lab, do whatever experiments you need and then what?

When I asked the question I could see the gears in her head turning, but could see that when it came to the question of what to do after, she was stumped. She remained silent for quite some time till I took her hand, her skin being soft.

Blake: Since we are mates now, and knowing that you wish to learn more about me, whatever happens, I will stay with you, even if it brings trouble.

Upon hearing those words Sarah smiled, squeezing my hand softly.

Sarah: Then to start, I must say that human anatomy is......intriguing.

Blake: What do you mean?

I said with a smirk, seeing that she was surprised by what happened still.

Sarah: Well, I never realized how close humans are to mammals, especially when it comes to reproducing. Tho it does beg the question........

She trails off but I knew the question she had.

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