Chapter 2

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Blake's POV
I had been traveling a day or two now, and it had been rough. I had to sleep on the ground and in a small grove I found. Plus, getting food was not super easy but manageable and my legs felt they were going to fall off. I thought I would never reach this town before I saw in the distance some buildings. I smirked as I put my hood up and mask also and began to walk to it.

Upon reaching the town, and seeing the "Welcome to Linxton" sign, began to look around. I saw many different kinds of Anthro's here. Many were mammals like wolves, different kinds of dogs, bears, and so on. There were some others like Lizards, and snakes also. Nonetheless, I began to walk around, acting like I was visiting the town when, I saw what had to be the museum. It was a fairly large building with a few wings connected to it. The entrance had a banner that showed the new human exhibit, about our history from what it looked like. I was curious to see how much they knew of us humans and walked in.

Inside was huge, as I saw the new exhibit to my right. Luckily they didn't have me pay anything so I walked into it and began to see what they had. They had quite a bit but not much before the modern day we had. As I looked I saw what they had the most info on, being when they first appeared and what happened to humanity. I looked around and to sum it up, pretty much a terrorist organization unleashed a deadly toxin into the atmosphere that was engineered to target humans. At the same time, some scientists, who had been creating the first anthro, created the first few and were immune to the toxin and were set free. It seemed that the toxin also created some more anthros as it was created from the same serum that the scientists created. Anyways, the toxin killed all of humanity and after many centuries, the anthros populated the earth and are what they were today.

After reading through all that and looked at some exhibit scenes of artifacts, I was impressed and also amazed. I also felt saddened as I knew I was the last one alive, now in a strange new world I didn't know how to conform to. As I thought these things, I felt a presence behind me and when I turned saw a female lizard anthro standing there smiling warmly. I jumped a bit and grabbed my heart.

She jumped a bit but gives an apologetic expression.

Lizard: I am so sorry for making you jump, that wasn't my intention.

I took a deep breathe.

Blake: Its okay, you just surprised me is all.

She nods smiling softly.

Lizard: Names Sophie, what's yours?

Blake: Blake, pleasure to meet you Sophie.

Sophie: The pleasure is mine, I see you are interested human history.

I briefly thought for a moment, knowing to be careful with my answer. I knew that I had to make it seems to be simply interested and wanted to learn more rather than looking for answers.

Blake: Yeah, I thought I would learn a bit more myself.

She smiles as I answered.

Sophie: I am glad to hear, so what do you know?

I thought for a moment.

Blake: Pretty much what they have shown here, I find it interesting really, and saddened to see how some guys decide to wipe them all out.

Sophie: Yeah, they call them terrorists. Its a shame they dealt with things like that.

I nodded in agreement.

Blake: Indeed, so do you know more about what their history was than what they show here?

She shook her head.

Sophie: Sadly no, but I wish to become a researcher in that so I can learn more about them.

I nod, seeing it was a respectable wish. It seems they are fascinated by them, from the museum and from talking to her. For one, it helped me know that I won't be like hated nor be seen as an animal or freak. But despite that, till I can be absolutely sure, I can't let anyone know including Sophie.

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