Chapter 12

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Brittney's POV
I was sitting in a makeshift room, built to have debriefs and so on, as I had my head laying on a table. Even though we went over what happened at the construction site, I was frustrated but it wouldn't be the first. Soon I heard someone sit across from me and when they spoke I sighed.

Dr. Fleeck: Didn't go as planned, didn't it?

Brittney: I don't want to talk about it.

Dr. Fleeck: You sure cuz I think we do.

I soon lifted my head and sat back, Dr. Fleeck not being happy, his arms crossed.

Brittney: I did what I.....

Before I could defend myself he cut me off.

Dr. Fleeck: What you had to? That won't cut it, especially after what you pulled. You know gas is illegal and is only used in terrorist situations, which we haven't had in more than five decades. So don't give me the whole I did what I had do speech. Now, I am here on other business, something of which will be of concern to you.

Brittney: Unless it is about out next move, I am not in the greatest of moves.

Dr. Fleeck: Well then listen and listen closely. The board over the FIB made a call and are now officially shutting it down. Why? Because we have no need for it.

Upon saying those words, I was frozen. Whether it be in disbelief or sadness I could not tell but I was speechless. Not long after I could eventually speak, but Dr. Fleeck raised a hand, motioning that he would answer my unspoken questions.

Dr. Fleeck: The reason why is because they see no need of this organization. Plus, based off of what had happened at the construction site, just added more evidence of why.

With those two simple sentences, I slumped into my chair. I could understand that my actions would be detrimental to the FIB but the fact that it wasn't needed wasn't a shock either. I knew that terrorists or things like that had ceased ages ago, but my main concern was, what now? If the FIB was dissolved, where do I go? It was my only job and to add on to that, the only job I could have as I had no education in anything else. Despite my living hood being on the line, Dr. Fleeck spoke again, letting me process what he was saying with each point.

Dr. Fleeck: I know that you are concerned about your future and I understand how difficult that can be. I know that your goal with hunting down and capturing the human would most likely keep the FIB afloat for a year or two more. You did what you could but its over, the FIB is decommissioned. And before you start freaking out or leave with tears pouring from yours eyes, I pulled a few strings for you.

Despite the news he shared, I was intrigued by his words of pulling some strings for me. Me and Dr. Fleeck were friends, you could say, mainly knowing each other from work. When I first worked for the FIB he would help where he could. He was kinda like a parent who wants their kid to succeed except the relationship was never that close, merely friends. Yet his words of hope struck me. I soon began listening more intently as he smirked, seeing he got my attention.

Dr. Fleeck: I know that because of this decision, you will have no job opportunities due to a lack of education. So I pulled some strings and have an offer for you.

Brittney: Which is?

Dr. Fleeck: With the dissolving of the FIB, my research group will now be made into a group that will be very beneficial. And as for my offer, I offer a place as head of security. Being closely related to making sure we are safe but also making sure our team members are safe out in the field. Plus, this project you have will continue except it will be done differently and as for what you will do, its simple, just make sure our researchers are safe.

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