Chapter 15

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Blake's POV
I was in and out of consciousness, having been in a room most of the time, then moved to a cell. My body hurt badly, mainly being my hand where I got stabbed and my back also was in pain. I could barely move and I soon lost track of how long I had been there. When I woke up and actually felt awake than the in and out cycle I was in, I found myself in a cell still. I tried to move, yet felt pain shoot through my body.

I gritted my teeth and slowly rolled over, then sat up. The cell was moderate sized, having a bed at least and a toilet. It looked like a prison cell as I groaned a little from the pain, till I noticed my hand that was stabbed. The wound had gone from a large hole to some weird light peachy flesh. I was stunned but it reminded me of my bullet wound which healed much faster than expected.

Soon I heard someone walking up to my cell, as I looked up. I saw the wolf from before and growled weakly.

Wolf: Your up, and you have a bit of fight in yah.

Blake: What are you going to do to me?

I asked a bit angry but more worried on what they plan to do.

Wolf: Well, that is being discussed right now but don't worry, you won't be harmed. Dinner is in an hour so lets hope your appetites up.

He said before leaving, leaving me in my cell. I was worried to say the least but the one thing that was useful right now was the fact that I could overhear them barely. I scooted over to the cell door and listened.

Wolf: So made a decision?

Soldier: We have, and it is one that has brought many offers.

Wolf: Oh?

Soldier 2: It seems the part of the world that would enjoy indulging themselves with the human have made high profit offers.

Wolf: And this indulgence is?

Soldier 3: Seems they wish to get into the humans pants so to speak.

Hearing this made my heart drop. I needed to get out before whoever these people are gets here, as I assumed they would be here within the day or the next day. As I sat there thinking of how to get out, a few ideas ran through my mind. One was to wait for one to come in, pretend I am badly injured and take him down but the question is if I can even fight in this state. Nonetheless, even if that happened, who knows how trained they are, despite the short encounter when I first met them.

In all honesty I was at a loss, and so I closed my eyes thinking till a faint voice was heard. I opened my eyes to look for the voices source but saw nothing. Then I heard it again, but this time it sent a surge of pain through my head. I instinctively grabbed my head, grunting, my eyes closing shut. Then after a few moments, the pain dissipated but when I opened my eyes, I was somewhere else. I was in a lab, similar to the one in that memory or dream I had awhile ago. Except as I looked around, I saw myself, on a table, unconscious. I got up, and walked over to it, seeing this gave me a strong feeling that it was not long before I went into that stasis tube.

Soon enough I heard a voice, a older gentlemen's voice in fact. It felt familiar then soon recognized it as the very doctor who helped me, and had gotten me the information that was given to Jake. I couldn't make it out but what I felt was indistinguishable. I couldn't explain it, as it felt like I now knew more about what I was. The simple phrase going through my head being "Titan Hunter." As I processed all of this, I felt a change occur. Rather than feeling unable or restricted to do much, most likely due to my injuries, I felt free. Soon I woke up, laying on the floor of the cell, seeing I must've went unconscious due to the pain.

I got up slowly, soon seeing the injury in my hand was fully healed. Amazed yet curious I felt the skin and it felt no different. That was when I felt whatever it was that they dis to me was now fully accessible. As for what it was, I did not know. Nonetheless, I took a deep breathe and took this time to do sort of an inventory. I kneeled down, closing my eyes and tried to invoke something.

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