Chapter 4

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Blake's POV
I woke up, shooting upward as I was shaking, cold sweat covering my body, tears streaming down my face as I brought my knees to my chest, and wrapped my arms around them. I was shaken by my dream, and it terrified me to the core. I sat there for what seemed like hours till I eventually calmed myself, my trembling subsiding slowly. I sat at the edge of the bed as I took a couple of deep breathes. The entire time, my stomach felt sick, my muscles felt achy. Was that real? Did that really happen to me? I asked myself trying to understand what had happened in my dream, but whenever I tried to think it left me like a phantom. What was even stranger was I felt like something was off relating to it. I focused a bit more before noticing a sort of weird tingling feeling in my head. As I focused to see what was causing it I noticed that whenever I tried to think about the dream, I would feel it. Then as I began to think that it was a memory that was being hard to get, my head shot with unpleasant tingles and I soon forgot what even happened in the dream. I pondered a bit more when I remembered something. Since my memories were slowly returning, maybe this was something that happened before I was put in stasis. As I tried to think to bring out those memories, I noticed what the strange feeling was.

My memories right before waking up in stasis were essentially blocked. Like they were locked and I didn't have the key to open them. This confused me, which then begged the question, what happened during that time. As I pondered this question the flash drive came to mind. Maybe that would aid in unlocking these memories, or maybe explain whats going on at the least.

I then got up, and took the flash drive out of its little pocket, and went to open the door to the hall before I heard a doorbell. It made me jump but I calmed myself, as I exited my room and went to the corner of the hall, hiding myself to hear who it was. I waited as I heard the door open and Sophie speak, after which then hearing a woman speaking.

Woman: Hello are you Miss Sophie?

Sophie: Yes thats me, who are you?

Brittney: The names Brittney, I am an agent from the Federal Investigative District. I am investigating a strange photo circulating around. I believe you know which photo I am speaking of right?

Sophie: I do, I din't know anything as I don't pay attention to that stuff.

Brittney: I see, well we are simply trying to figure out the origin and meaning behind the photo as we have found it quite strange.

Sophie: Oh, well I don't know where it came from as I said I don't care for that and as for whats strange about it, I can't say.

Brittney: I see, well mind if I ask a few questions then?

Sophie: Sure, ask away.

Brittney: Since the photo went viral, have you noticed anything strange at all in town.

Sophie paused before she spoke.

Sophie: No, I haven't.

Brittney: Kay, and have you seen anyone who resembles the person in the photo?

Sophie: I have not.

Brittney: Intriguing, well thats all we have. Thank you for your time.

Upon which I heard footsteps going away from the home as the door shut. I kept note on the conversation seeing those I met in the forest weren't the only ones after me. Nonetheless, I went to Sophie's lab and went to her computer. The computer was simple and surprisingly on. Kinda making me think she doesn't like turning it off but nonetheless, I went on and plugged in the flash drive. Upon doing so, the files window opened and showed the drive, a bar of how much storage is used being completely full. I clicked on it and when it opened I saw around a dozen files, each with a name that surprised me. One was named experiments, another projects, another journals, and others relating to whatever scientists do, seeing that it had to be that.

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