Chapter 3

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(A/N: Hey everyone, sorry this chapter came out so late. With a semester of school
having just finished, I finally have time to get a chapter out. I hope you enjoy this chapter and as a sort of gift, it is a little longer than the previous one.)

Blake's POV
It was morning, the sun shining through the window as I yawned, waking up from much needed sleep. I stretched and actually felt good, mainly due to me sleeping in an actual bed. Nonetheless, I got up and looked outside. It was around ten in the morning as I left my room, smelling someone cooking. I followed it to the kitchen, where I saw Sophie, wearing blue pair of pajamas. I didn't want to disturb her nor make her jump so I began to leave when I noticed someone coming to the front door. They were a male grizzly bear, wearing a black t-shirt under a varsity jacket, wearing some cargo pants and tennis shoes.

I hid around the corner, as he knocked. Sophie looked and finished cooking before heading to the door and opening it.

Sophie: Jake good morning, how are you?

Jake: Good Morning Sophie, I am doing good. Smells like your making breakfast.

Sophie: Indeed, so what brings you here?

Jake: Well, our science friend called and asked me to share some interesting news.

Sophie: Oh? What kind of news?

Jake: Someone posted a picture online, taken at the museum in town of someone. I looked at the photo and she pointed out something.

He says as he takes out a phone showing her the picture pointing to it. I was curious but didn't want to reveal I was there so I continued listening.

Sophie: Woah, so your saying that.....

Jake: Yeah, he may be human but we need to find him. We know it was this area due to the location this was taken. Being the museum in town. Just keep a lookout and if you see him hive me a call.

Sophie: Thank you Jake, I will keep a look out.

He nods before he left, Sophie closing the door as I walk around the corner slowly.

Blake: So I presume someone got a pic of me and some people are interested.

She nods sighing.

Blake: Well that makes things interesting.

Sophie: It does, but no worries, I won't tell them.

Blake: Promise?

She nodded.

Sophie: Promise, now I got breakfast ready and if your okay, mind if I do a few experiments on you?

Blake: What kind experiments?

Sophie: Oh, just like how your body reacts, gets some samples like dry skin, and saliva. Simple things like that.

I pondered seeing that it wasn't bad tests but mainly that I was unsure if she would do more. After a bit of thinking I nodded seeing no harm letting her do that.

Blake: Kay, I don't mind just be careful okay?

She nodded.

Sophie: I will, I promise. Now, Breakfast is ready so eat up.

I nod as she hands me my plate and she takes hers.

Sophie: Now, I will get everything set up so I will meet you there. Its two doors down from your room.

Blake: Will do, thanks for this Sophie.

Sophie: No problem, wouldn't want you to have an empty stomach. Anyways, I will get everything ready, and once your finished we will get started.

A Human in a New World(Rewrite): A Hidden SecretWhere stories live. Discover now