Chapter 16

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Sarah's POV
We were getting ready to head to wherever Blake was being held till my phone went off.

Sarah: Felix answer that for me.

He nodded as he answered it, and after a bit he walked over.

Felix: Its for you.

Sarah: Who is it?

Felix: A lady named Sophie.

I was a bit surprised before I took the phone.

Sarah: Hello?

Sophie: Hey, I need you and your friends to meet me on the main road.

Sarah: Wait why?

Sophie: I will explain when you get there. For now just meet me there.

Upon which she hung up as I stood there confused, yet knowing Sophie she won't call like this unless there was a good reason for it. Nonetheless, I looked to Felix and everyone and sighed.

Sarah: Seems that we will have to hold off on our rescue mission, as a friend wishes to see us.

Hayden: Wait why?

Sarah: Said it was important, though knowing her, almost everything is important.

Felix: And where are we meeting her?

Sarah: At the main road, so Felix you will be joining me while everyone else stays here. The last thing we need is all of us going and getting nabbed by someone.

Felix: Agreed, and if needed we can run back if something happens.

Hayden: Then its a plan, you two go while we wait here, be safe you two.

We both nodded as we left, hopping into my car and driving down the dirt trail.

Felix: So, any guess on what she thinks is so important to meet at the main road?

Sarah: I don't know, maybe what I ordered from her or maybe it is a research call to see if I found anything.

Felix: You two working on a joint deal?

Sarah: Yeah, in return of her supplying equipment, I share what I find and I am the one who is given credit for the research.

Felix: Ahh, a good deal, and with the FIB decommissioned, makes sense they would be open to do that.

Sarah: Agreed.

Once said, we reached the main road, as I saw Sophie, leaning against the hood of a simple sedan. We got out and approached her.

Sophie: Your here.

Sarah: We are, and now tell us, why bring us here?

Sophie: Got someone for yah?

Sarah: Who?

As I said that I then heard talking behind us. It was two men having a conversation but one voice stood out. My heart practically stopping from hearing it. As I turned around, I saw Blake, talking to a younger fox guy. Seeing this made me speechless, and Felix was just as surprised.

Blake: Yeah so you can think of it as a sort of party except you got lots of like glow sticks and lights.

Fox: And you call this a Rave? I presume you have music, alcohol and such.

Blake: Yep, never been to one, from the memories I can remember so far, but that is what I can recollect.

Without hesitation, my body led me and I soon tackled Blake to the ground. Hugging him tightly, my arms like a vice grip as he gave a hard oof when he hit the ground. I was at a loss for words, but the only thing I can remember is that tears streamed down my cheeks. Blake wrapping his arms around me comforting me.

After a few moments, we both got up, before I gave a hard slap to Blakes cheek.

Sarah: Don't you ever do that again! Understood?!

He nodded, me yelling angrily, though he hugged me.

Blake: I won't, as it would be wrong of me to leave without having someone to watch my back.

With that I smiled and hugged him back.

Felix: So, now we got our little reunion, what now?

Sophie: Well, we got a lot of work to do, specifically learning more about Blake here.

Sarah: Agreed though I think some alone time is in order.

I said, a blush forming as Blake softly chuckled.

Blake: Agreed, bow lets go home.

He said and with that, after the fox introduced himself, came with us as he had no where to go, and Hayden and them left after speaking with Blake. Now being only me, Blake, and Devin, our new fox friend.

He was nice, being quite friendly and all and took great interest in Blake. Though I felt something was different about Blake, that he was hiding something. When asked how he got away, especially from the guy who captured him, he simply said that's a story for another day. Nonetheless, we had a few things to take care of once we had our month of relaxation, testing, and fun. Then I had school, and such, which meant we needed to figure out what to do with Blake. With that being said, I did some testing in my free time and the test was simple and what I got back amazed me.

The taste came back with a very low chance of a child being created from me and Blake. It wasn't zero but it was low enough that, it wouldn't be easy. Though I doubt that we should be worried about it for awhile, hopefully.

3rd Person
With Blake, Sarah, and Devin now back in the lab, the others having gone their separate ways though do remain connected with them, Blake went out into the middle of the night, into the forest, in a far secluded area that he created. To passerby's, it would appear as if he was meditating, but his goal here was much different.

After several minutes, his body began to change, wearing his black outfit, he grew much larger than his normal height. His fingers elongating, as his arms and torso became more muscular. Yet he wore no mask, nor head covering. Within the moonlight a face of horror and monstrosity could be seen.

Having no lips, revealing his teeth, his skin being white, yet peachy. Skin covering his right eye, as his left was a silvery white. His scalp being smooth, as he soon gave a guttural roar. Which rang through the forest, showing to all he was a monster, designed to kill monsters, given the name Nemesis.

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