Chapter 10

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Blake's POV
It was now nighttime, at a camp site, Sarah asleep in the tent she put up for us. I was sitting by the campfire, as Felix walked over stretching.

Felix: Can't sleep?

Blake: You could say that.

I said calmly as Felix sat near me. We were sitting on a log, as we watched the fire calmly burn.

Blake: I know we didn't have a lot of time to talk but I wanted to ask, whats the reason behind you helping us?

Felix: Well that goes back to what I said when we met at the motel. In all honesty, I don't like what the FIB are doing. I don't hate them as they have helped people a lot, but this is taking things a bit far. I don't think the government should like keep you as a test subject or some guinea pig that they can research from. Despite what happened before, I would rather have someone like Sarah doing the research than them.

I nodded as he spoke, his words sounding honest. Hearing that made me be at ease, as I agreed. Whatever the FIB wanted wasn't right, plus who knows what would happen if they found out about my "alterations." Nonetheless, I smiled as I leaned back slightly.

Blake: Thats good to hear. You know, despite what has happened since, I woke up you could say, I have been lost in a sense. Unsure what to do, but since I managed to make a few friends along the way, it doesn't seem so bad. Besides the fact that I am the only human left.

Felix: Yeah, I can't imagine how you must be feeling, but like Sarah, I will do what I can to help, even tho we have only known each other for like a day.

I chuckled softly at that, but he was right, despite only having officially known each other for a day, he was willing to help. Despite that, I simply pondered on things, Felix seeing I was a bit curious yet nervous about something.

Felix: Penny for your thought?

Hearing that made me smile, yet I sighed.

Blake: Just something's on my mind thats all.

Felix: Willing to share then? Been told it helps think through them.

Even though I didn't want to tell him, he was right. Sharing them won't hurt as they don't really pertain to anything special, or anything too special.

Blake: Its about Sarah, even though we met not long ago, we are in a relationship that I never saw coming. Plus I am technically a teenager who hadn't finished high-school yet. Plus I can officially say, I am not a virgin anymore.

Felix: Yeah, I can't relate but hearing that reminds me of something that happened to me. May be similar, may not.

Blake: Really? You have something like this happen to you?

He thought for a moment, thinking over his statement before giving a "sorta" hand gesture.

Felix: Kinda, but I can relate to losing your virginity. For me it was.......awkward to say the least. Simply put you already know about our heat phases, but it works differently for the different species. I already mentioned or Sarah already mentioned about what happens with sharks but with me it was with a husky like me.

Blake: I presume they are like a shark's attitude and how they act?

Felix: Kinda, us huskies are similar to other dog breeds, but each of us have slightly different things when it comes to it. At least it isn't a bunny that it happened with.

Blake: Why's that?

Felix: Well........actually I got a story about that. I am in highschool, as you are, and I have a buddy who is a cat. He isn't a lion or leopard or anything, just a typical cat. He dated this bunny gal who he loved a lot, and she loved him a lot, normal couple, boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. Anyways, we were talking one time and he told me that she was acting a bit like attached and I said that maybe she was going on a heat period. He said he doubted that but kept that in mind. Next thing I know, I don't see him for a couple of days. I obviously get worried and run over to his house, to see him in his bed groaning, and having a bad day. Soon discovered that she was in heat, and let me say this, he wasn't walking anytime soon.

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