Chapter 5

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Y/n pov
I open my door to see Jeff standing there looking creepy. I sign and waited for him to say something, but he lunge at me instead. I quickly kick him and knock him backwards, so I can grab my knife from my dresser. I felt him grab my shirt and yank me back as soon as I grab the knife. I quickly elbow him in the face.
"MY GORGEOUS FACE!" he holds his nose as he screams in pain.
He lunges at me again, cutting me on the side of my stomach, but the adrenaline kept me distracted from the pain. I quickly stab his thigh and punch him him in the nuts.
He groans " My precious jewels!"
He lays there crying while I lock myself in the bathroom. I begin to feel the pain and grip my side as blood pour from it. I could hear people running into my room asking what happen. Jeff was crying like the little he was and started to yell about his jewels and his thighs.
I heard a soft knock at my door then Hoodie's voice " B/n are you kn there? Are you hurt?"
I laid there panting as he yells for slenderman for help. I heard the door open with the jingles of keys then footsteps approaching me. Hoodie mutters a few curse words as he saw the state I was in with blood around me. Jane rushes to my side and ask if I was ok and I nodded but Hoodie didnt agree.
" You're bleeding a lot! I'll go get Jack, Jane help her to the bed and press towels on the wound!"
I blacked out for a few minutes and woke up on my bed with Jane pressing towels to my side. Jack walks in and we both looked at each.

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