Chapter 2: About to start a new life

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I walked towards my father who seems angry about something but when isn't he. Maybe that's why his wife left him, but who leaves their child with a man like him. I stop and look at him with a blank expression, but that was the wrong face to make at him. I ended up on the floor with a searing pain running through my cheek to my nose which now bleeds from the hit. I glare at him which makes him laugh loudly because usually, I stare at the floor.
He sneers "Oh looks like someone grew balls today huh?"
I flipped him the bird which makes this man kick me in the stomach but I had my knife on me so I sliced his ankle. He screams in pain and falls to the ground as I stood up.
I smirk as I stare at him screaming in agony, but since I couldn't talk I use a bit of his blood and crouch next to him. Using that bit of blood I wrote 'What's wrong daddy? Don't like the pain do you?' He stares at me in shock never knowing I could be this damn evil but he did raise me.
He pleads "Honey bunches please spare me," I felt myself soften towards him till he uses his pocket knife to slice my shoulder. I hissed in pain and stab him in his neck thinking 'You dumb bitch you hesitated for a minute and got hurt.' I watched the life drain out his eyes before getting up and walking back to my room and stripping to my underwear and looking at my shoulder. The cut wasn't deep enough for stitches so I patched it up with bandages while I bound my boobs to give me a flat boy chest look than put on a t-shirt than my new jacket. I put my jeans on afterward than looked in the mirror before putting on my new mask. I grab my bag then headed out through the backdoor before sprinting to the woods. When I enter the woods I stop and looked back at the house. It looked so worn from all the years it had to stand after being beaten by the weather and no care. Now it will lay abandon for years to come. I walked further into the woods and looked around seeing how things change since the last time I was here.
I haven't been allowed in the woods since I was 5 years old, but now that I'm here I feel freer than ever. I walked for hours till goosebumps begin to raise on my neck sensing someone watching me from somewhere. I continue to walk till I heard a branch snap and moving from within the tree so I carefully scoop a rock up and put it in my pocket and continue walking further away as run my hand along with the bases of the trees. I suddenly heard the noise again and threw the rock in the direction of the noise. I heard a thump when it hit the unknown target before both fall to the ground.
The target I hit was some guy who had an outfit and two hatches, but his face was covered with goggles and a face mask. He seems to be around 19 or 20 with the way he was built but without his face, it's hard to tell. He didn't even seem affected by the rock though which is strange, he seems to be affected by a series of twitches that run through his body. I blushed realizing we been staring at each other for a few minutes so I slowly begin backing away.
"W-wait, why di-id you t-throw a rock at me-e," he asks as he twitches. I freeze knowing I couldn't answer him but he sat there waiting without realizing I can't talk. He stared at me waiting for an answer to emerge from me when he suddenly realized maybe I couldn't speak as he could. He sat up and tried to think but I don't think he can with the way the twitches where running through his body. I suddenly got an idea and sat in front of him and wrote in the dirt 'Why were you watching me?'
He looked at it then back at me before asking "Why are you in the woods by yourself close to nightfall?" I lean back hesitating on answering because how would I explain I murder my abusive father and ran away so I wouldn't get caught. I sigh as I wrote 'Running away from the world but I have nowhere to go at this point.' He suddenly looked up into the trees and seems to smile but I couldn't really tell.
He suddenly yelled "Guys come down here. It's all right he hiding from the world."
Two more male jumps down from the tree but one ask annoyed "What the fuck Toby? Why did you expose us to a human?"
The annoyed one was wearing a full mask with black lips and black eyes, but the eyebrows look like upside-down U's. His jacket reminded me of mustard but his jeans were just blueish black. The dude next to him was wearing a hoodie that was a bright yellow and some black jeans but he was wearing a ski mask with a frowny face in it. Toby turned to me and told the annoyed one that I was harmless to them.
The annoyed one finally acknowledges me and asks "Have you ever killed someone?"
I froze not knowing how to answer but maybe if I tell them I could leave and never see them again.

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