Chapter 15

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Jack Pov

I walked into Y/n room to see her on her bed looking out the window. I sigh and can see how we many features we shared. Others might have noticed if I looked more human and less like a demon. I walked up to her bed and placed the medication on the nightstand before turning to her. She was already looking at me, but she just turns away from me.


She waves back so I start speaking again "Y/n, I need to talk to you about something important. You need to know this." 

She looks at me again before turning towards me as a sign of her paying attention. I take a deep breathe to calm my nerves. I honestly don't know how she will take this news. 

"Your DNA results shows we are related. I'm your brother Y/n."

She looks at me for a few minutes before sliding her mask off. Anger and sadness were etched into her eyes, but I didn't know what to do. I wanted to hug her, but she might not like that. She points at the door, and I knew she wanted me to leave.  I sigh and nod, but before I left the room, I place her phone on the nightstand.

"The medication is for your anxiety and depression." 

I left the room and closed the door before hearing something breaks in the room. I sigh, not knowing what to do. She is obviously mad and hurt, but why? Does she not want a demon as a brother? What happen to mom and dad after I went missing? 

I quickly walked off to find Hoodie and Masky, but I doubt they will be much help.

Masky POV

I was bouncing a ball on the floor of me and Brian room when EJ walked in. 

"What's up Jack," I asked.

"Um, can I talk to you guys?"

"Is everything alright," Hoodie asked.


"Is it Y/n," I asked.

He nods and sigh "I told her she was my sister, and she didn't take it well."

"Of course, she didn't take it well. She was alone for years and she clearly has trauma that you weren't there to protect her from." 

He looks up when I said that and mumble "Trauma."

"Jack all of us have trauma which caused us to snap and become like this. She killed someone man." 

Hoodie joins in "She also didn't know you existed."

"Yeah, that's true. But, where's our parents then? Why didn't they protect her? Why didn't they tell her about me?"

"Cause they thought you were dead."

He looks at me before leaving the room quickly. Hoodie sighs and mumbles something about Y/n.

"What did you say Hoodie?"

"What if her parents snapped after losing Jack and then something happened to her?"

"You think their parents hurt her to the point she snapped?"

"I don't know man. She doesn't give up much information about her past."

Y/n Pov

I threw a glass vase at the wall out of anger. Why didn't I know about my brother? Why did they hide him from me? Where was he when I needed him?

I slid onto the floor and began crying from confusion and being overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do anymore. I hear a knock on my door and got up to answer it.

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