Chapter 5:Hoodie

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Your pov

I watch as Jane begins to answer Slenderman. I could feel my heart begin to pound away with fear. I know Jane wouldn't break a promise but at the moment she seems ready to break it just to get out of a punishment. I don't blame her since I heard the punishments here are bad. I looked at my lap waiting to be exposed but her words surprise making me look immediately.
"Sir he was nervous about training and came to me since he felt he could trust me the most so I took him under my wing. We have been discussing tips and I been giving him advice and reassuring him that it's not going to be bad after a while."
I look at Slenderman as he nods and replies "Is that so? Well, that is understandable. Thank you both for your time. You're dismissed for now. "
We get and were about to leave before MAsky steps forward and said: "You better not be lying Jane!"
I scoff and walk in between them and wrote down 'Leave her alone jackass! AN family shouldn't act like this!"
He smirks before replying " I bet your family didn't want you. Is that who you killed? Did they abandon you or abuse? You look a little pale."
I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces at his words before I wrote 'Why don't you just go fuck yourself asshole? You're just mad that I'm being accepted here without questions. You want to know why you can't be carefree like me because I don't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response. You're so scared about your enemies but you're your own enemies!'
After showing him he mumbles "Must have struck a nerve newbie."
I storm out with Jane following asking if I'm ok. I stop and smiled at her showing I'm fine before leaving and going to the roof to clear my mind. I sit at the edge of the roof thinking about how he was right. I was abandoned by my mother and abuse by my cruel father who I killed. I began crying softly at the thought of my mother leaving me for years to live with a cruel man and not even checking on me to see if I was even alive. I wished I could talk but I couldn't due to him. I heard a window open behind so I turn and see Hoodie walking towards me.
He said "Hey," he sits beside me before saying "Sorry about Masky."
I just continue to look at the sky hoping he will get the hint but he doesn't seem to want to leave. He tries to pat my shoulder but I moved quickly to avoid contact which surprises him.
"You don't have to be afraid you know. It's safe here."
I look at him before looking down at my hand that he sewed. He grabs my wrist and examines it before saying "You might want Jack to look at that before it gets infected. He can also look at your throat if you want."
I sigh then he asks "Why do you hide underneath all those layers?"
I wish I could answer him but I couldn't so he just pulls out a phone and plays a song which I recognize and use to listen to before my father took my phone. It was Break Away by Three Days Grace. I smiled and heard him sing along so I clapped for him as an audience would.
He smiles and asks "Did you use to sing before you lost your voice?"
I nodded before thinking about the good old days before the incident happen. I sigh and begin to get up before writing 'Goodnight' and left him with his music.
That's the first time I had a conversation with Hoodie since I got here. I smile softly before heading to my room and closing the door behind me. I locked it to make sure no one comes in here while I slept. I enter my bathroom and take my mask off than strip off my clothes. I unbound my breast before jumping in the shower and washing off. I relaxed as the hot water makes it way down my body and into the drain. After thirty minutes I get out and get dressed in a loose shirt and loose Pj bottoms. I don't bound my breast so they can have a little freedom. As I brush my teeth I looked in the mirror in time to see blood run out my nose. I quickly use my towel to catch the blood and help stop the bleeding. I sigh before heading straight to bed before it gets any later.
"Mommy look at the fishy in the water!" I yelled as my mother and father danced around the boat.
They ignored me so I decided to cartwheels to get their attention They stop dancing and watched me perform the cartwheels before I suddenly slip near the diving board and felt myself fall. I could see the terror and shock in their eyes as they froze. I soon felt the water engulf me with its cold arms as it welcomes me to what was supposed to be my final moments of life. I struggle to swim upwards but the water had it's grip on me as it pulls me down to my fate. I could feel the water enter my mouth and nose as I inhale the water into my lungs while I struggle. I finally begin to accept my death as I look up and see the sun shining down into the water and the fishes pass me like I wasn't there.
As I slowly begin to close to my eyes I see a dark blob. I close my eyes as someone wrap their arms around my waist but by then darkness took over and that was the last thing I remember. I soon awoke to bright lights and beeping sounds. I was in a hospital bed in a plain white room with machines around me and something in my mouth. My mother was next to my bed and when she saw my eyes open she engulfed me in a hug as my dad rang for a nurse as I drift back into dreamland. I woke up to a doctor telling my parents that my ability to speak was gone due to the procedure my father did to save my life. At four years old I lost my ability to speak with little chances of recovering my voice. It also broke my family apart and ruin my life for good.
As the months went by the more they fought about my voice being gone.
"It's your fault she can't speak! You ruin her chances of being a normal child. Now she one of those disable fuckers who will need special treatments!" my mother yelled at my father.
"She would have died if I didn't do that procedure, honey! She would have been in the ground 6n feet under! Isn't it better to her alive with no voice than dead with a voice?" my dad yells back at her.
My mother replies in a cold voice "I prefer a dead child over a disable child!"
She storms out the room as my father stood there watching her go into their room. He sighs before looking at me who was watching from the doorway. His face went from upset to very angry at his sight of me in the room. I begin to apologize to him but then he slaps me and yells at me about it being my fault. Than a beating starts to happen.
I woke up with tears running down my face as I sit up. I get up and go to the bathroom and look in the mirror as the nightmare begins to fade from my mind. I sigh and slide down the bathroom wall trying to ease my breathing I put my hoodie on as I calm myself down. I hear a knock on my door but I really didn't want to see anyone. They really wanted to see me though because they kept on knocking. So I get up grabbing my mask and putting it on my face before opening the door. Hoodie was standing there in a white shirt and PJ bottoms while yawning.
He asks "Are you ok? I thought I heard crying in here."
I nod as I cross my arms to make sure my chest hid from his sight. He seems to be worried about my mental health so he asks if it was a nightmare which I nodded as an answer. He told me he had some medications to help me sleep which he handed me. He then went back to his room to get some sleep. I went to the bathroom and bound my breast just in case someone knocks in the morning then I took one of the sleeping pills before laying down. As I start to drift back to sleep there was another knock on the door so I get up and grab my mask ready to open the door.

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