Chapter 13

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Jack POV

A few days after stitching Y/n up, I realized I haven't done a full examination on her. I sigh and walk to Slenderman office and open the door to find him reading a romance novel. 


"Ah, Jack. Um, what do you need," He asks while he slammed the novel into a drawer like a crazy person.  

"Do I have full permission to do a medical exam on Y/n?"

"Yes, we need the info and see if she needs any medication."

I nod, before being dismissed from his office. However, he stopped me before I left.

"You do not tell anyone what you saw today! If you do, there will be consequences."

I nod and close the door to his office. Weird, it's just a book. Then again, this house is full of assholes. I scoff before heading to the living room. I walk in to see Hoodie and Y/n on the couch playing thumb wars, but for some reason I felt irritated at the sight. It's just a innocent game. Why am I being like this? I cleared my throat to get their attention, but everyone looked at me. Ughhhh, I hate attention. 

"Y/n, I need to give you a checkup, so come on."

She nods as she gets up and waved bye to Hoodie. I rolled my empty sockets and walked away with her following me behind. I explained to her everything me and Nurse Ann needs to do, because its mostly to see how she is progressing as a proxy. She nods and follows behind me as we enter the medical room.

After the examinations, Y/n was shaky, and I felt bad. I didn't know she would react the way she did when I pulled out a needle to draw blood or when Nurse Ann was trying to do the gynecologist part. I sign as I wait for Nurse Ann report on her blood results. This could take a while, but she works fast. I hear knocking on my door making me groan out loud. 

"Jack, its Hoodie."

"Come in Hoodie."

He walks in and ask, "What do you know about her from the exam?"

 I sign, "Well her vocal cords seem to be destroyed from a procedure. She has scars from what seems to be either fighting or abuse. Nurse Ann told me she's seems to be healthy, but we still need the blood tests to make sure."

"Are you going to do a blood test to find out who her family is?" 

"Yeah, Nurse Ann says she will be by here with them tonight."

Hoodie nods before getting up and leaving the room. Strange. Hoodie usually never cares about the others, but why does he care about her? I shook my head at the thought of him being in love with her. That's impossible, it's Hoodie we're talking about. Is it possible? Is there something about her that attracts him? Or is he just lonely? What does Masky got to say about this? 

I hear someone pounding on my door, before Nurse Ann burst in. She was panting and held a piece of paper. I jumped up because Nurse Ann usually never runs since technically, we can't die. 

"Jack, you need to see this."

I grab the paper she held out and begin reading it. I looked at Nurse Anne before my legs gave out and I was on the floor. The paper fell onto the ground stating me and Y/n were brother and sisters.


"We can't tell her Ann."

"But Jack she's your sister!"

"Ann, do you know what this can do to her?"

I felt arms pull me up from the floor causing me to look up at Masky.

"Jack," Masky says after pulling me to my feet," I didn't even know you had a sister."

"I didn't either but turns out I do."

"Ann can you please leave the room," Ann nods her head and turns to leave," Also don't tell anyone especially Y/n."

"I won't," Nurse Ann says before exiting the room and closing the door behind her.

"Jack, do you remember your parents name?"

I nod and turn to Masky, "Yes, but I didn't realize they had another child. Why is she here? Why did you bring her here?"

"Boss saw potential on her. He sent us to her that night saying she will snap, but we don't know who she killed. We found her in the woods, but since she's mute, we couldn't get much out of her."

"She killed someone."

Masky nods, before picking up the paper "I'll take this to boss."

I nod and sit on my bed in shocked. How is this possible? Why is she here? Where are our parents?

To be continued....... 

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