Chapter 3: A new Home

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      I nodded indicating that I have in fact murder someone before. He seems pleased with the answer as he turns to the others and mumbles a few things. He then turned back to me ask who did I kill but I remained still not daring to meet his eyes. Suddenly his gloved hand yanks my head to meet his eyes.
    “I’m guessing you’re a boy due to your appearance. I’m Masky, the frowny face is Hoodie, and ticking freak is Ticci Toby.” 
     I nodded and he waits to see if he could get a name from me, but it seemed pointless till I wrote in the dirt a b/n. He nods than helps me up from the dirt before noticing my hand which I haven’t noticed had a huge gash.  I shrug and he begins inspecting it before saying it’ll need stitches which Hoodie can do here if he wants. Hoodie led me to a log and begin to clean the area and prep it before starting the stitching. It didn’t really hurt since I use to stitch myself up whenever I got hurt. 
      After he finishes Masky announced “ You’re coming with us to meet Slenderman. From there we’ll decide what to do with you.” 
     I nodded feeling a little nervous because it sounded like a death sentence meeting this Slenderman dude. They lead the way while I followed feeling kind exhausted from everything at this point and ready to crash. We begin to enter a clearing that led to a huge ass mansion that was in ok shape. We walked into the mansion into a living room where a dude in a Link outfit was playing a game while a little girl with a pink dress was watching him.
     The little girl’s attention was quickly turned to us when we walked in. Her big green eyes begin to study me before she asks who I was.  Masky just told her to watch Ben play his game and she listen immediately. I study the young girl and wonder what happen to her but decided not to worry about it since it wasn’t any of my business anyway Hoodie tug on my arm to indicate that I need to follow them to this Slenderman office so I followed them into a room.
     The room itself had shelves of books  with names on them but what caught my attention the most was the person at the desk. Well, can you call him a human? I shiver at the sight before me fearing the thing that sits at the desk full of paperwork. He was very tall but his face was a straight-up white but there were no facial features. He wore a nice suit and seem to be business-like. There was a static sound in my ear and I felt sick and faintish.
      Masky asks “Sir we found this human in the woods who claims he killed someone, but we aren’t certain.”
Slenderman asks me “Have you killed someone?”
      I thought back to my father and how   he died and smiled slightly at the thought before Hoodie’s voice knocked me out my thoughts “Sir he doesn’t speak and seems to be mute.” 
        Slenderman nodded and replied, “Hoodie I already know the answer to my question and he seems worthy enough to be part of my family, but only if he’s willing to be.” I tense and stare up at him before collapsing into darkness.

              Slenderman POV 
      The child thinks she can hide her true self from me but I could easily tell by the little thoughts in her head. I will allow her to hide her gender and let her come out when she’s ready but for now, I need to change her and finally turn her into what she truly is on the inside. A proxy. I watch her collapse as I secretly change her into what she deserves to be. 
     “Hoodie take him to a room and let him rest there,” I said, “Masky your stay.”
      As soon as Hoodie disappear I turn to Masky and said: “I can’t figure out who he is and what’s his past.” 
     Masky gasp “But sir you usually are able to figure stuff out by the person’s mind.”
     He’s not wrong, but with this girl, she has a sort of barrier built up in her mind protecting her secrets. I need a way to break it and get into her thoughts but that will have to wait because now I need her awake. 
Hoodie comes back and tells me that he’s awake now and seems to be fine other than the hand that got injured earlier. I get up and teleport into the room she was in, but when I got there she seemed to be in a daze. Her eyes quickly snap to me when she notices I was there, but her face shows no emotion at all. 
      I asked, “Child do you need a place to live?”
       She nods so I offer her the deal “If you become my proxy then this will be your home. All you have to do is do what I say and kill the living.” 
She nods again and I asked her “Do you want to be part of this family than child?”
          She nods and shakes my outstretched    hand. I helped her up noticing small bruises on her face and whatever skin is exposed. I sign knowing these signs. She seems to be around Hoodie’s age, but it’s hard to tell with the way she is dressed. I took her downstairs and called all the proxies to the living room where I was. They immediately notice her but they all see her as a male. 
      “This is b/n from today on he will be a proxy and part of our family, so please don’t be the jackasses yall are and make it hard for him till he uses to our ways.”
       Jeff immediately yells “HEY FUCKER MY NAME IS JEFF!”
      Jane immediately grabs him and drags him off somewhere as I sign knowing where this is going. 

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