Chapter 18

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I woke up to find my head laying on Hoodie's chest which caused me to turn red. I quickly sat up and hopped over him to go to gather clothes for a shower then quickly enter my bathroom. I sigh and look in the mirror. I cringe at my reflection, my s/c had paled a bit, my dark circles are more noticeable, and my lips are chapped. I sigh and unwrapped my hand before pulling my shirt and hoodie off. I unwrapped the bandages that were protecting the cut on my side. I examined it, happy to see it healing, but it's healing pretty quickly. That's really weird. 

I finished undressing and jumped in the shower. I looked at the stuff Jane got me and smiled to see it was all peppermint scented. I quickly washed my hair and body then shaved. After 30 mins, I turned off the water and step out of the shower. I put on a sports bra and then sweatpants before realizing I need help with putting on the bandages. I texted Jane to see if she could help, but she told me she was on a mission. I tried Nurse Ann next, but she was with someone else. I didn't want to text Jsck, because I was still upset at him. 

"Y/n, are you ok in there? Jane texted me to check up on you."

I sent him a message through the phone saying 'I need help with my bandages.'

"I can help you but do you feel comfortable with me?"

I open the door after putting my shirt on so I could conceal the upper part of my torso. He led me over to the bed and had me lift up my shirt so he could spread the ointment and wrap it up. He was careful so he wouldn't hurt me or reopen it. It made me smile to see him take his time and not rush to get it over with.

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