Chapter 4:One knows

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You pov
    The black hair girl dragged me to a room I’m guessing is hers. She pushes me on the bed as she sits beside me with a smile and begins talking about the guys here. I listen so I will be able to name most of these people without fucking up. 
     She suddenly says “You know I might not be like Slenderman but I do have girl senses. My senses are telling me at the moment that you’re not really a boy.”
     I tense up quickly knowing she knows my secret and not knowing what to do now, but her next words quickly ease me.
     “I’m not going to tell anyone because it’s your choice to let them know not mine. Just know you can come and talk to me as a female.”
     I slip my mask off and smile as she gets up. She locked the door and told me I can take off my jacket, so I did which felt a whole lot better. She complimented my face shape and told me she knows so many styles to give me more of a feminine look. I smile and wish I could speak and tell her how pretty she was.  After some time there was a knock on the door, so I quickly put my jacket on and my mask as she opens the door.   
     Slenderman stood at the door with Masky and Hoodie and he beckons me to follow him. I hug Jane and follow them to the Slenderman office where he tells me to sit in the chair between the other two. 
    “These two will train you starting tomorrow. Is that understood child?”
I nodded feeling anxiety about them training me. What if they found out my secret? Will they still accept me? Don’t males here see girls as weak creatures? I get up and walk out quickly needing to clear my head as best as I could leaving the others to confuse.

        Masky Pov
     I have never seen anyone leave Slenderman office without his permission before. This kid has balls for doing that, but he better be glad Slenderman is calm today and not hungry. He would have got a punishment on the first day here if he was hungry. I don’t exactly trust him now that I think about it. He seems to be hiding secrets behind that mask. I think Jane knows some of them too because the only other person allowed to hug her is Sally. As soon as we were dismissed Hoodie went off to find b/n. He seems to not share the same thoughts as me, but Hoodie usually does. Ignoring my partner’s concern for the newbie I went off to find Jane. 
     She was laying down on the couch in the living room when I ask “Are you hiding something Jane about the newbie?” 
    She sits up and says “Masky what on earth could I be hiding other than the fact he’s cuter than the rest of you idiots.” 
     Jeff walks in and says’s “Bitch please I’m beautiful!”
     I watch him walk out and said: “He needs mental help the most in this damn house, but anyways Jane I know you’re hiding something.”
    Jane signs and glare at me before growling “You’re pissing me off man now leave me alone.” I watch her get up and leave the room quickly and angrily. I was going to follow her and ask her more questions but than Toby stops me with his weirdness.

            Jane Pov
     After leaving the living room I rush off to find y/n to tell her about Masky. I find her in her room laying down relaxing but when she saw me rush in with worry written all over my face she sits up quickly.
    “Masky onto us and if he onto us so is the boss.”
      She grabs her note pad and writes ‘What are we going to do? My secret can’t get out!”
       I shrug and sat beside her and said      “Maybe you should tell the others about this secret. Maybe they won’t care since you haven’t been here long.”
       She shrugs and before she can write a reply there was a knock on the door of her room. She gets up and opens the door to see Hoodie standing there. He tells us that Slenderman needs both of us in his office now. We nod and follow Hoodie to Slenderman office. 
     We sit down and that’s when I notice Masky in the room and growl slightly. Masky sits beside y/n and tells her in a warning tone that “he” better wait for the boss to dismiss us before leaving. 
     Slenderman clears his throat before speaking “Jane and B/n there are a few things we need to discuss today.”
      We nod as he continue “Jane I believe there an few things you are hiding from us. Is this true? Do you know stuff about him that we don’t know?”
     I answer feeling sweat begins to form on my forehead and temples “No sir, why do you believe that?”
     “You two seem really close and it’s quite strange to me and Masky because you usually avoid the boys’ Jane. Now tell the truth or else you will be punished and be put on duty with Toby.”
     I look at y/n and see the nervousness in her eyes, but her face seem stone-cold. I open my mouth ready, to tell the truth before closing it and realize that if I tell the truth I betray her my only friend here. I open my mouth again ready to tell slenderman hoping to skip the punishment.

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