Moving day/ school

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You wake up to the sound of moving trucks and birds

You: * ugh* 🙄

Your sister comes in

You: hey Millie ( you say tiredly)

Millie: come on! Get up!...

* you lay their*
Millie: y/n..
She jumps on you

You: ok fine!
Millie: * laughs* come on stupid..get ur boxes down stairs
You: roll outta bed * rubbs eyes *

(You look over and see your dog still sleeping)
You: Rosie..wake up
* she wakes up*
You: we have a big day today...
* you crawl over to her*
You look at her and pet her

She looks at you
You: ya I know..I'm nervous to..
Rosie gets up and leaves out the door
You get up and carry a box downstairs

Mom: hey look who came down.
You: ya..geuss I where should I put my box
Mom: uhm..put it on the front Porch
You: ok

——-skip 5 hrs—-

You guys are in the car driving to your new house
You look out the window in nervousness and sadness

Mom: hey what's wrong...
You:'s just * sigh*. I'm gonna have like no friends their...I'm not gonna fit in and I'll never see my friends back at home ever again

Dad: well kiddo, you will have to get used to it
Mom: ya and don't be so bummed
You: why not-
Millie: you will have me..
You: ya true...

(( you guys keep driving and you finally get to your house
You: wow..this is nice
Millie: ya it looks bigger than the pictures
Mom: ya it is let's get in and start un packing..
Dad: plus you girls start school tomorrow!
Millie: oh ya!
You: we know
* you take Rosie's leash and bring her in*
You all unpack and get all the boxes in

—— the next morning —-

*alarm clock*
You open your eyes and look at the bottom of your bed to see Rosie sleeping

You get out of bed and go in the bathroom and brush your teeth to get ready for the day
You get dressed in jean shorts with a cute belt with a yellow t- shit tucked in with white sneakers


Mom: is y/n up yet
Millie: idk I'll go see


You are putting on makeup when Millie knocks
Millie: u up!
You: ya why!
Millie: mom was just asking
She comes in

Millie: jeez you look nice..
You: well I'm not gonna look will make a bad impression
Millie: I geuss..well come down
You: ok..
you: Rosie come on!😄
You both run downstairs

Mom: so! You guys ready for your first day!
Millie: kinda..
Dad: how about you y/n?
You look up
You: oh uh idk..
Millie: I hope they have cute boys their!
You: jeez Millie
Millie: what😂

You guys get to school and walk in together
You just look at your schedule with Millie
Millie: aw we only have one class together
You: aw bummer
Millie: so what's ur plans for after school
You: I wanna see if I can try out for cheer
Millie: oh ya that's right
You: I mean I'm sure they will expect me..I've been a cheerleader for 10 years
( your 16 ) Millie =17)

You: well I have to go to mrs.——-
Millie: ok see ya later..
You walk into the class
*talking *
You just go to the teacher and say hi

You walk up to the desk
You: hi, I'm y/n!
Teacher: hi nice to meet you!
You: *smile*
Teacher: so this is home room now but we have a free period next and I'm going to have a student show you around

You: ok um-
Teacher: I'm gonna have..FINN
* he looks up*
Teacher: can you come here please
Finn walks up
Teacher : this is y/n she is new with us..can you show her around next period
Finn: ya sure! * he smiles at you*
You: ok um so..where should I sit
Teacher: oh hey their is an empty desk wight next to guys can talk and get to know each other
Finn: yeah
You: um ok
You follow him to his seat

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