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Your POV

You guys are walking back home
"So..what should" you say but you get cut off
You tun around and see Finn
"Hey guys" he says as he walks up to you
"Hey!" Sadie says full of loudness
You cover your ears because she was so loud. Finn laughs
"So what are you guys doing" he asks. You guys keep walking but slowly.
"Just" you get cut off again
Omg she keeps cutting me off.. u think to yourself.

End of POV

Sadie: we are going to her house and we're gonna bake
Finn: cool
Sadie: wanna come!?
She looks at you making sure you say yes
Finn: uh, only if y/n says it's ok
You: oh! No it's fine idc..I mean I do care but-
Sadie: great let's go!
You sigh
You and Sadie look at each other in agreement that..that was almost a mess

——- you get home——

You get out the flour, baking powder, sugar, eggs, (ext.)

You: ok let's bake then
Sadie goes in your fridge and gets a coke
Sadie: Finn, want one?
He looks up from his phone
Finn: ya sure
She hands him a coke

Sadie POV

I need to get these two alone..but how? Omg perfect! I just have to make it so I'm not here...

I check and see if Finn and y/n are looking..good their not. I shake the pop can and then open it

I open it  and boom! It sprays open
"Oh god Sadie" y/n says
"Oh..that's not good" Finn says while covering his mouth
"Oh it's all good u guys can start without me I'll go deal with this"
"Oh are u sure I can"-
"pOSITIVE!" I say as I run away

End of POV

You: ok that was weird
Finn: I know right, well let's start I geuss
You: ok
You start poring in flour
U get a little bit on Finn
You: oh my god! I-I'm sorry..
Finn picks some flour up and puts it on your cheek
You: Finn! Oh my god ur dead!
You grab some flour and chase him all around the kitchen
Finn: you'll never catch mee
You: wouldn't bet on it!
You catch him and hit him in the face with it
You shakes his head to get some of it off
You start to laugh
Finn: what's so funny?
You try to cover your mouth but you can't stop laughing
Finn: well..what are you laughing at
He starts to come closer to you
You: nothing *laughs*
He starts to chase you and you run but he catches you right away
He picks your up from the back and spins you around to the other side then let's you go
You look in his eyes he does the same
You just stand their lost in his eyes

Then Sadie comes Down
Sadie: guys what happens to you-
You: we had a lil flour fight..
You look at Finn and he laughs

Sadie takes a pic
You: sadiee
Sadie: what! U guys are fucking adorable
You: omg..
Finn: I think we are to
You look over at him..you slowly smile
Finn: ok lets bake now
Sadie: I'll do the flour this time
You: ok
You guys walk over

Authors note: hey guys! I will do a pt. 2 of this hope u don't mind!

The first day// Finn wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now