You like him!

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T.w: slight swearing
You see Sadie outside
You: hey Sadie, how was school
Sadie: I don't even know, it was good then bad and good
You both chuckle a little
Sadie: so...
You look over at her
You: so what
Sadie: you and Finn huh
You: omg
You walk away and start walking to your house
Sadie runs after to catch up
Sadie: know you like him and you can't deny it!
You: Sadie would you pipe the fuck down please
Just then Millie comes running up to you guys
Millie: heyyyy guyssss
You: sup
Sadie: hey
Millie: what's new
Sadie: oh nothing...just the fact the y/n likes Finn!
Millie: wait really-!
You: omg! Stop you guys
Sadie: fine. Then admit you don't like him
You look down at your feet and look back up
Millie and Sadie look at each other and scream
Millie&Sadie: YOU LIKE HIM!!

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