The catch

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You guys walk back downstairs
Finn looks at you
You smile
You: sooo-
Sadie: you guys wanna watch a movie with us later
Millie: ya sure!
You whisper to Sadie
You: Sadie what are u doing
Sadie: getting u closer to him
You: omg you have a problem
You laugh
Millie: what's so funny
Sadie: nothing
You and her walk into the kitchen and get drinks out
You yell at Millie in the other room
You: hey! Want some drinks !
Millie: sure!
You: kk!
You bring them 2 cokes
You guys sit
Sadie rushes over to Millie so you have to sit next to Finn
You think in your head:
Omg is she serious...well I have no choice I geuss...

You sit next to Finn
You smile and put your drink down
Millie: we should order pizza for dinner
Sadie: ya
Millie: k I'll go talk to mom
Sadie: I'll go to!
Your head:
Oh my god! She really just left me alone with

You guys sit their awkwardly until
Finn: like school so far
You: uh ya! It's cool
Finn: ok but really. Do u?
You: ya?
Finn: ok *laughs *
You laugh a little to
Finn: sooo
You look over at him
Finn: do u have any hobbies
You: uh..I sing a little and I love to draw
Finn: oh cool!
Sadie and Millie come back
You: omg finally
Finn: what am I not amusing
You: no I-
Finn: hey..I'm just kidding
Millie: you should have seen your face
Sadie can't help but laugh
Finn just looks at you and smiles
You: ummm now what..
Sadie: we should play a game
Your head:
Aww shit..I don't know Sadie that much..but I know she is up to something
I can tell...
Sadie: we should play...truth or dare
You: uhh-
Finn: sounds like a great idea
You all sit down in a circle
Finn sits next to u a little close
Millie: ok..who goes first
Sadie: I will!
Sadie looks around the room.her eyes lead to Finn
Sadie: Finn!
Finn: of course
Sadie: truth or dare
Finn: I'll do truth
Sadie: do u have a crush on anyone
You look at Sadie in a way she knows that ur a little annoyed
Sadie looks back at Finn
Finn: um..yeah! I do
Sadie: cool
She winks at u
You look back at her confused
Millie: ok I'll go
Millie: Sadie!
Sadie: yaaa
Millie: truth...or dare
Sadie: dare
Millie: I dare you to..
She gets up and hand her a water bottle
Millie: poor it on your head
You: Millie-
Millie: we have hard wood floors! It will be fine
You sit back and watch Sadie as she pores water on her head
Finn: oof now your wet..
You look at him with wide eyes
So does Millie
Sadie almost loses it-
Finn: what- OMG u guys!
You and Millie crack up
Finns POV
They kept laughing
I looked over at y/n as she was laughing
Man she looked pretty when she smiled
She looked over at me and I just smiled
-end of POV -

* door bell*
Millie: o! That must be the pizzaaa
Sadie and her go get it

Your POV :
Omg! Again..theses to leave me alone here...again! With Finn
I don't mind it but..I have nothing to say or talk about
-end of POV-

You just look at Finn and he looks back
You: wanna go in the kitchen now?
Finn: oh ya sure
You guys get up but u trip a little and Finn catches you by the waist
You: sorry-
Finn: it's ok! Are u good? He says with a lot of concern
You: ya..I'm fine..thanks
You guys go in the kitchen
Sadie: hey guys imma need to barrow y/n real quick
She pulls you into another room
Your convo:
"Omg! Omg omg omg!" Sadie says with excitement
"Omg omg omg what!" You laugh in confusion
"You fell and Finn catched u!" She says in shock
"Ya, if he didn't my face would have been in the coffe table!" You say to skip the point
"Not my point and you know it" she says while smiling
" what is then!?"
" he cares about you"
"Omg Sadie ,"
You walk outta the room and back to the table
Finn: welcome back
He chuckles
You: ya

— you guys eat then go you your room to watch a movie-

Authors note: hey! Sorry if this is boring but I promise it will get better ! 😂💕 thanks for reading as always -

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