The park

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Your POV:

"Ok! I'm ready" you say as you look at Millie and Sadie
" I agree" Sadie says
" ok now you need to go" Millie says as she rushes me out the door.
I look at them and laugh because their getting way to exited about this
"Ok guys bye!" They wave and say bye
I walk out of the dirt kinda nervous because I'm going to be hanging out with him alone..with just him...not Millie ...and not Sadie..just Finn. hOLY SHIT
I walk down a few streets and then I saw Finn...the sun was just nearly going down
He was sitting on a bench.

Finns POV:
I got to the park and just sat and waited for y/n...I decided to go on my phone for a little while I wait. I hear sombody coming and I look up to see her coming my way. The sun beefed off of her and her bright smile made me get shivers down my back. Her smile made me weak and made me felt like I couldn't even speak
She walked up to me
"Hey Finn!" She said with a bright smile
Their is that smile again...
"Hey" I say back
And I almost couldn't get that because I was melted into her beautifulness


You: so, what do you want to do
Finn: I have a few things planned
You: like-
He grabs your hand and you guys start running
You guys are running for a little
Finn: k where hear
You breathe in and out a little
You: jeez Finn
Finn looks at you and smiles
You look up and see an ice cream place
You: cream, cool!
Finn: uhh the BEST ice cream
You laugh
Finn: come on!
He leads you to the order place
You guys get your ice cream and sit down
The sun is setting and you and Finn are sitting on a hill
You guys are eating your ice cream
You: wow, you can see the whole town up here
Finn: yeah it's pretty
You stare into the town as the wind gently blows in your hair

Finns POV:
I finish my ice cream and so did y/n
I look over at her and see her staring into the town with wind blowing through her hair
God she is pretty as hell...
Just her smile...
Her hair...
Her personality..
And she is just perfect
She looked over at me and smiles
I couldn't get any words out so I just smiled back

End of POV

You: soo..what now
Finn: I don't know, u wanna just talk?
You: ya, sure
You turn to him
He does the same
Finn: so you gonna just sit their all pretty or say something
You smile really shy like
You: sorry
You laugh and he does to
You guys talk and laugh
And have a really good time
You: well it's a school night and it's already 7
Finn: ya it's getting really dark
You guys get up from the hill
Finn: hey, do you want me to walk you home
You: oh you don't-
Finn: hey it's fine..u live like 3 min away from me
You: okay..if u really want to
Finn: well I geuss that I am then, come on
You smile at him and start walking

The first day// Finn wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now