Your free?

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You guys get home and you go up to your room
Sadie: I knew it this whole time
You set your bag down
You: ok fine..he is cute
You plop your sled on the bed
Millie: omg you two would be the cutest
You laugh
Your phone buzzes
You get a unknown text
Millie: who is it
You: I don't know it's unknown
Sadie: omg! Gimme that
She grabs the phone from you
You: ok what the hell was that Sadie-
Sadie: ahhhhh!
Millie: holy shit Sadie, what!
Sadie: ok y/n I didn't tell you this because I thought you were gonna kill me
BUT I gave him your number and turns out HE TEXTED YOU!
You: ok..WHAT! No way he texted
Sadie: look!
She hands you your phone
Millie: well read it
You: ok chill the fuck out
You: ok it says are you free today
Millie: omg he wants to hang out with you
You: so what..
Sadie: well text back! If you take to long to answer he will think you don't like him..WICH YOU DO by the way
You: ok ok ok ok...
You text him back

Your text convo:     

Hey are you free?

  You: Hey, I'm free, why what's up
Finn: wanna go to the park

You: ya sure, when?

Finn: 5?

You: kk

Finn: awesome, meet you their

End convo:

Millie: well what are you saying
You: I'm gonna meet him at the park at 5
Sadie: holy shit..u have a date
You: no no's just hanging out
Millie: come on y/n...
You: whatever-
Sadie: it's 3:52 now
Millie: well go get ready
You: but...I am
Sadie: yaaaa no- dude u need to look like the prettiest personality ever
You: well damn-
Millie: your pretty but you need to look even more pretty
You stare at them like their both crazy
Sadie: just touch your makeup up and change your shirt
Millie: ya and brush your hair
You: holy fuck, OK
They laugh

Your outfit is above! Hope u like it

Authors note: ok imma just stop doing t.W for swearing cause I feel like you guys don't care.😂✌🏼 sorry for another short chapter. As always thanks for reading! XX💕💫

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