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Your POV
You all are asleep on the couch in your room
A storm comes and wakes you up
You hate storms
A big loud crash of thunder makes you jump
You get up of the couch and go to the corner of your room with your hands on each side of your head while looking down with your knees up
You clench your eyes as you hear another bang

You hear footsteps and see Finn slowly walking towards you

Finn: hey..are you ok
You look up
You: ya sorry.. I don't like storms
He sits next to you
Finn hugs you
Finn: here let's get you in bed
You: ok..
You guys get up and you sit in bed
He starts to walk back to the couch
You: w-wait Finn..
He turns around
You: can you stay..please..
He smiles
Finn: ya of course
He comes back and lays next to you
You guys lay their for a little until you feel a arm around you
Then you drift to sleep


Authors note: again short chapter sorry! ✌🏼💕

The first day// Finn wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now