" wheres rosie"

3 0 0

Your back home now and Finn is moving away in 3 days.

-your on ft with Finn-

"I wish you could stay" I say caring out the  Y.  " I know me to..but I'll see you again..someday. " dude your moving like 2 days travel away from mee" you say.

" your so cute when your sad" he laughs
" ok stAp" you say almost laughing to
" it's trueee thooo" he says smirking
" anyways, are you still coming to my house tomorrow" you say
" ya I am..when is Sadie coming..." he asks
" uhh around like 3- I think"
" k I'll be their around 2"
" why 2" you say confused
" because I want alone time with you" he says smirking again
" you and your dumb smirk omg" you laugh
" you like it" he looks at you with one eyebrow raised still smirking
" ok I have to go walk Rosie I will see you later" u say
"K byee"

You get off your bed and go looK around for Rosie. " ROSIEEE" you call out. You walk downstairs. " Rosie" you say again. You still can't find her so you go in the backyard. You see your mom in the garden. " mom where is Rosie" you say walking up to her.

" um did u check the kitchen". "Yep".
" the bathrooms"
" mhm"
" Millie's room"
"Yea- wait no I didn't"
" check their"

You walk away to Millie's room
" hey Millie do u hav-"
You see her with purple hair
" did u dye your HAIR"
You run up to her
" ya do you like it"
" I- ya but..when did u.."
" earlier today"

" um ok anyway have you seen"
Rosie comes and runs to you
" you did not"
Millie smile
" I hope that's wash out!"
Yep Millie dyed our dogs hair purple
" Millie wtf you did her nails to!?" You laugh
" maybe" she laughs to
" ok I have to take her for a walk and people are. Gonna think I'm crazy!"
" that's your problem"
" Millie omg-"

3 hrs later-

Your now on ft with Sadie

The first day// Finn wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now