U like him and thats it

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It's now night time
Finn went home
You and Sadie are in your room
"You like him and that's it" Sadie yelled. You keep pacing your bedroom and biting your nail. " I mean...ugh..your right! I DO" You plop on the bed. " oh my god..I knew it" she says as she sat on the bed next to you. She looks down at you. You look up at her

" what am I gonna do" you cover your face with your hands. " ok look..it's not really a bad thing". You sit up and look at her. " um ya it is..it very much is!". You lay back down.  " Omg u two would be the best and I'm sure he likes you to" you sit up.
" HA..ya right" you walk over and get your phone. You walk over to your bed and sit. Sadie grabs your phone and runs with it.

" dude! Come back here right now" you run after her but she locks herself in the bathroom. " Sadie open the fuckin door!" .  " no thanks" you slap the door with your hands. She comes out and hands it to you. You open it up

" Sadie you tell me what the fuck u did right now!" You follow here back to your room.
"Just look and you will see y/n" she poops on your bed and so do you.
You look through your phone and see something

" OMG you bitch!" Sadie starts cracking up
" you texted Finn!" You look at her as she keeps laughing.

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Goodnight! <3


" HOLy SHI-"

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