" man i missed that"

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It's been 1 year....
You and Sadie are still close
Your 17 and Millie is 18
You haven't talked to Finn in 5 months

It was school time
The first day


You rush to get your shoes  and grab your bag.  " ok mom I'll see ya later" you go out the door and see Sadie already walking. " hey Sadie" you run up to her. " heyy..u ready for school" she asks. " eh I don't really know"

"What do you wanna do after school" I ask"
" ummm idk"  she says
" well then..."
You both laugh

School was pretty easy
Just random things and typical first day stuff

You start walking home by yourself cause Sadie had a club
You pass the hill you and Finn would always go to

You decide to go sit down and watch the sun and town

You sit and listen to the birds and wind

" come here often" you hear a voice behind you say
You look behind you and see Finn
" Omg!" You run to him and jump on him
" YOU ACTUALY CAME BACK" he spins you around
" told you I would come back"
Your still hugging him
" hey your hair is shorter " he touches it
" yeah I mean it's been a year..I cut it" You laugh
" still beutiful" he says
You guys stare into each others eyes
And boom
You guys kiss
He has his arms wrapped around your waist
And your around his neck
It wasn't short
It was about 10 sec
You pull away and smile

" man I missed that"

You both smile

The first day// Finn wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now