-" i like you..alot actually"-

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More times has passed
You almost forgot about Sadie

You guys are in class..
First period

You have it with Finn and Sadie

You get in the classroom and see Sadie
You smile at her and she just nods back
You sit down And  somebody sits next to you
You look over and see Finn

"Hey" he says..
" hi" you say awkwardly
" so how have you been"
You look back over at him. " I'm good...kinda..how bout you". " I'm ok".
You look back over at him again. " your just..ok" you ask worried
" ya..well..I feel like I lost somebody I loved" he puts his head down
" oh..who" you say again worried
" I don't think u know who she is" he says sadly
" oh..ok.." you turn back forward

It's lunch and you see Sadie at the stand getting a fork.
You go up to her
" hey Sadie" you smile
" hey y/n" she says with. Not emotion
" what's wrong" you look at her
" everything! You left me..you forgot about me!" You look at her shocked
" you forgot about ME, FINN, and all your other REAL friends!...just to go hang out with those fakes!"  Her eyes start to tear up. She leaves the cafeteria and runs out. You follow her.
" wait Sadie" you run after her
She goes outside
" Sadie..I'm sorry..I-"
" you what- you forget about us...I thought we were best friends and now..Finn and everyone else are like sad without you..you haven't talked to us in weeks y/n..in WEEKS!"
You stand their not knowing what to do.
" Sadie look...I never wanted to forget about you guys...your like family to me...but just..those girls, Sofia. She is like controlling me and I don't think I can do anything about it."
She walks up closer to you
" well how about you say I'm gonna see my friends and your gonna like it bitch!"
You stand their shocked
She lets out a small laugh
And then you start laughing
" now..you and me are going back in the lunch room and your gonna sit with us!"

" ok"-
" and your gonna show that bitch who gets to control you" she keeps going on and on and your just sitting here almost cracking up.

" ok then, let's go" You say


You guys walk into the cafeteria grab your lunches and as your walking but Sofia
" hey y/n where are you going" she asks

" away form you...you fucking fake bitch" you state
She hangs her mouth open and Sadie looks at you proud
" see it wasn't that hard"

You both laugh
All of your friends are laughing cause they saw the whole thing
" dang y/n u cam back" Caleb says
" ya we thought you were gone forever" gates says
" well I'm back..for good..I never should have left" you sit next to Finn
" I especially should have left you" you look at him
He smiles at you


It's 6pm..it's nice out and you have the window open. Your reading as you hear birds chirping. All you could think about is Finn though. You want to talk to him so bad.

" where would he be right now" you think to yourself
You think...and then got it
You grab your hoodie and phone and jog out of the house. You run to the hill you and Finn always go to. You see him their

He turns and smiles
" I knew you would come" he says
" I had a feeling you would be here" you say smiling
You sit next to him
" Finn I'm really so-"
All of the sudden you feel his lips on yours
You still shocked so you haven't melted in the kiss yet
You slowly start to and your lips move in sync with his
He slowly put his hand on your leg and brings you closer
You guys are full on making out now
He pulls away slowly
" you don't know how long I've wanted to do that for"
You smile at him
He puts his hand on yours
" y/n I like you..a lot actually and I  didn't know how to tell you this whole time-"
You start laughing
You fall down on your back cracking up
" ok what is so funny" he asks
" everything, I've like you so long to and SADIE has been trying to get us together for so long to! " You laugh
" wait she has" he laughs
"Ya" you both are laughing at this point

The first day// Finn wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now