Another storm

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You guys are walking back and you guys keep hearing noises
You walk closer to Finn
Finn looks at you
Finn: u ok..
You: sorry I just kept getting a lil freaked cause of the weird noises
Finn: you will be ok..I'm right here
Their was a loud bang
You get sacred do you hug his arm right
He smiles at you and you guys keep walking
You guys get to your house
All the sudden it starts storming
You: hey it's raining.. like a lot I don't think you should walk home
Finn: I'll be fine
You: no..I don't want you to walk during a thunder storm
You grab his hand and bring him in your house
Finn: what am I supposed to do
You: stay here until the storm stops
Finn: what if it goes all night?
You: I'll have my mom call your mom then..but I don't want you getting sick
Finn: aww..well thanks
You blush a little
Mom: oh hey Finn! Wait is it storming out their
She looks out the window
*power goes out*
You: ya and I didn't want him walking it ok if he stays here?
Mom: ya no problem I'll go call his mom
She walks in the kitchen
Millie comes downstairs
Millie: y/n where are- oh hey guys
You: hey
Finn: hi
Millie: man that storm is really-
*loud crash of thunder*
You cover your ears
You: ok I'll be in my room!
You run upstairs
Millie: oh gosh I forgot she hates thunder storms
Finn: ya..I'm gonna go make sure she is ok
Millie: ok
Finn walks up the stairs
He knocks
You: come in
Finn sees you in a corner with your knees up to your chest
Finn: hey,u ok
He says in the most calm voice ever
You: ya..I just hate thunder storms
You chuckle a bit
Finn: i know, remember last time
You: oh ya..
He sits next to you
Finn wraps his arms around you
Finn: shhh it's ok..
He rubs your back
You burry your head in his chest
He hold you tight and you feel safe
*power turns back on*
You look up
Finn: hey the power is back on
You: oh ya..
You get out of his arms
You: thanks Finn
Finn: what for..
You: just..for making me feel safe
Finn: no problem..
He hugs you

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