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You: wanna watch a movie?
Finn: sure
You: we can just sit in my bed and watch Netflix on my computer
You get up and get your computer
Finn goes in your bed and you sit next to him
You guys lay back and watch (whatever u want)
You start to get a little tired and your head slowly goes down and lays on Finn
Finn looks at you and your asleep
He smiles
Finns POV:
I see that y/n is asleep so I close her computer and slowly pull covers over us and hold her and lay my head on hers
I this girl so much
End of POV -

-morning- it was Friday now
You guys get ready for school
And go downstairs
Millie: hey guys! U fell asleep pretty damn early
Finn: eh it was like 8:30
You: ya I geuss it was a lil early
You guy get to school
You guys are in home room
Your sitting next to Finn
You: sorry I fell asleep on you
Finn: I didn't mind..
You: u sure..
Finn: ya..why would I want a cute girl sleeping on me
You smile at him and almost blush
You: so..what are you doing today
Finn: I'm going with my brother places
You: oh cool
Finn: what about you
You: prob just hang with Sadie
Finn: cool..wanna hand tmr
You: ya sure.
Finn: cool

Skip to the end of school

You and Sadie have cheer practice
You: hay Amanda
Amanda: oh hey flippy  girl
You laugh
Amanda: ok guys were gonna start working on our routine for next Friday's game!
Let's gets warmed up
You walk over to Sadie
Sadie: hey what do u wanna do when we get back home
You: no clue...wanna bake?
Sadie: uh ya sure

you guys have cheer practice and then you go back to your house

The first day// Finn wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now