🍪 cookies pt.2🍪

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You guys baked the cookies then
Sat on the couch and watched t.v
You shiver a lil because it's cold
Finn notices
Finn: hey are you cold
You: um just a lil why
He grabs a blanket from the back of the couch
He unravels it and puts it over both you and him
You: thanks
You smile at him
He dies the same
Sadie looks over and smirks
You lay your head down on his shoulder
He wraps his arm around you
You feel a little shocked but you get more comfortable
You slowly start to drift to sleep
Finn wraps his other arm around you and smiles
Sadie looks over
Sadie: oh my god..that's the cutest
Finn: Sadie shh your gonna wake her up
Sadie: sorry but omggg-
The oven dings
He wakes you up really gentle
Finn: hey y/n...wake up
He says in the most calm sweet voice
You wake up
You: oh sorry I didn't know I fell asleep
Finn: it's ok..I didn't mind
You look up at him
You: oh ok
Sadie: guys come on I got the cookies out

You Gus get up and eat cookies
Finn: wow these are good
( also it's around 4 right now)

You guys eat and go back to the couch
Your mom come in
Mom: hey guys! How was school
You: good, where were u?
Mom: I was just out doin arends
You: oh ok
Mom: hey Sadie hey Finn
Finn: hi
Sadie: hey!
Your mom walks in the kitchen
Mom: oh u guys made cookies! Cool
Sadie: well, I have h.w to do and you guys can hang out
Finn: oh ok
She leaves

Finn: so what do you wanna do?
You: can we go to that hill we went to
Finn: ya sure
You guys get up and go to the hill
You guys arive

You: I swear I can never get tired of this view
Finn: it's really pretty...
You guys are sitting on the hill

Finns POV:
Wow..she is so beautiful..just the way her hair shines in the sun.

She turned over and smiled at me, my god that smile makes me weak as hell. I smile back

End of POV

You: so..I don't really know THAT much about you..
Finn: mhm
You: so tell  me something about you
She looks at me with a slight smile

Finn: uh ok..I have a brother, I play guitar..uh..I LOVE dogs..well all animals
You: oh cool..
Finn: oh ya u have a dog don't you
You: ya..I haven't seen her around lately
Finn laughs
You: I geuss I just been busy with other stuff
Finn: ya..
You guys sit for a sec
Finn: so tell me some thing about you now!
You: ok uhh..what do you want to know
Finn: back where you lived before, did u have a boyfriend
You: nah..I didn't want one really and most of the boys were just gross
You laugh so does he
Finn: do you think I'm gross
You: oh..NO..no. I don't
You giggle
Finn: well, that's a good thing right
You: right
You both laugh all the rest of the day
Finn: oh jeez it's 6
You: wow, we talked a long time
Finn: eh it was worth it
You: should we go back and see Sadie now
Finn: ya let's go
You guys walk up the hill
Finn: oh be carful their is some rocks here
You: oh ok
You almost slip a lil
Finn: here
He hands you his hand
You: thanks
Finn: np, I def don't want you falling
You: yeah..

you guys walk home—-

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