Keeping secrets?

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T.w// slight swearing ⚠️

Sadie's POV:
I wake up to the sun beaming in my eyes and notice y/n isn't next to me anymore
I look around and see y/n and Finn! Finn has his arm wrapped around her...
Omg I could screaammm right now! But instead..I'm going to see how this is gonna play out.

I wake up Millie and motion her to look the other way
Millie looks at me with excitement in her eyes just like I did

Sadie: omg their so cute
Millie: I know..should we wake them up
Sadie: No..let's just try and wake them up but like I don't want them to know we saw
Millie: ok so what do we do?

Sadie looks around and sees a water bottle
Sadie: ok I'm going to throw this at the floor near the bed..when I do we pretend like we're sleeping again..ok
Millie: ok
Sadie looks around the throws the water bottle

They both throw themselves back on the couch and pretend to sleep
You jump up and so does Finn
You look around and look at Finn
You: oh jeez we can't let them see u near me in the same bed...they might think something happened
Finn: hear let's just go wake them up
You: are you sure they didn't see us
Finn: I'm sure they didn't..don't worry about it
You: ok..
You and Finn walk up to Sadie and Millie
You: guys wake up!
Sadie and Millie look up at them

——skip to breakfast—-
Sadie: hey y/n can I talk to you
You: uh ya sure what's up
Sadie: come with me
You: okay.

You follow her to the living room

You: what's up
Sadie: how long where you and Finn up before you woke  us up?
You: um like 2 min not even,why?
Sadie: oh I don't know..maybe cause you woke up at the same time then..that's a little weird
You: um ya I geuss it is..

Your POV:
Oh god...Sadie is being shady as fuck- does she know...

Sadie: so y/n..wanna tell me something
I tense up a little
You: geuss it was just a-
Sadie: omg u don't have to lie! Me and Millie saw you in bed with Finn
—end of POV —-

You: ok I knowww what your thinking...and NO he just comforted me because I don't like storm and their was a storm-
You start talking really fast
Sadie: ok calm down! Just you didn't have to hide that from me
You: sorry..
Sadie: no more secrets ok?
She smiles
You: ok fineee
You guys both laugh
Finn walks in
Finn: hey guys, you ok..
You: ya were fine
Finn: ok
He smiles at you and walks back out
So do you
You guys walk back in
All the sudden
Millie: hey guys...weren't we suppose to have school today
You all look at eathother
You:'s already 10 soooo-
You all laugh so hard and loud your mom comes down
Mom: I figured you guys weren't in school
You: sorry... we actually all forgot
Mom: I did to at first but whatever..I expect you to be their tomorrow
Millie: we will mom
Mom: good
Finn: well I gotta go but I'll see you guys tomorrow at school
You: k bye!
mom: see ya later
Millie: byee Finn!
Sadie: bye y/n's future boyfriend!
They all look at Sadie
You: Sadie!
You hit her arm
Millie can't help but laugh
Finn chuckles and the. Walks out
You: DUUUUDDE! Omg u kidding me! What the fuck he heard that!
Millie: what you know it's true!
You: uh no it's not!

Aurthors note: hey guys! Hope your enjoying the might be boring now but it will get better!✨💕🦋

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