Chapter 3/ sleepover

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You guys are walking back from cheer tryouts
Finn walks up to you guys
Sadie: oh hey Finn
Finn: hey, u guys did great
You: I'm just glad we BOTH made it
*sadie laughs *
Finn: ok well I'll see you guys tomorrow
You: bye!
You: hey Sadie..u busy
Sadie: no, why what's up
You: u wanna have a sleepover
Sadie; uh ..omg yes!
You: great I'll text u my address and see u at 6!
Sadie: oh! My moms here..and ya see ya later
Skip to some time
Your mom picks you up
Mom: soooo!
You: I made the team!
Mom: YAY
You: also I made a few friends and one of them are coming over today for a sleepover if that's ok?
Mom: ya! We talking boy or girl..
You: it's a girl mom * you laugh*
Mom: cool! What's her name
You: her name is Sadie..and she is super nice
Mom: well I'm glad about that
You giggle

You: hey mom!
She comes in your room
Mom: what's up kiddo
You: ok Sadie will be here in about a half hour
Mom: great! Can't wait to meet her
Millie comes in
Millie: wait who is coming over?
You: a girl from school, her name is Sadie
Millie: oh cool!...I'm having a friend over to, he is gonna help me on some work and just chill
Mom: wait...he!?
Millie: ya
Mom: oh okayyyy
You and Millie laugh
You: ok I gotta set up some things
Mom: ok
They leave

—-you get a call —-
You : hello?
?.?: Hey! It's Sadie
You: oh hey
Sadie:  my mom is leaving with my dad tonight for a work trip and I asked her if I can ask u if I can just stay with u instead of having to go to my aunts
You: oh..uh..I'll ask my mom! Hold on
You cover some of the phone with ur hand
You: MOM could u come here
Your mom walks in
Mom: what's wrong

You: ok I have a question
Mom: sure?
—- you tell her about Sadie —-
Mom: oh ya..I'll talk to her parents and let her know
You: oh my god thanks mom!
You get back on calll
You: hey! She said yes
Sadie: awesome! Be their soon
You: kk
—-end of call—
You fell a little bored so you touch up your makeup
You hear Millie running downstairs
U hear her greeting a person
You think:
Oh, that must be him...should I go not

You walk down their and u can't believe ur eyes
U see Millie and FINN on the couch
You: h-hey guys..
Finn looks up and is in shock
Finn: wait- she is ur sister
Millie: YA this is y/n-
You: we already met
You give a shy giggle
Finn: ya we did..
Millie: oh cool-
*you hear the doorbell*
You open and see Sadie
Sadie: heyyy
You: hi! Come in
She walks in and sees Finn
Sadie: wait..Finn?
Finn: hey
You: kinda a long but short story
You take her upstairs

"Ok he is Millie's friend and she invited him over" you said
"Omg! This is perfect..." Sadie said with excitement
You look at her confused
"Why is this-"
"Because! U can hang out with him! Like we can all hang out!
" ok I geuss "
You walk back downstairs

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