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Your POV:

You close your locker

Sofia comes up to you. "Heyy y/n!" Omg she is so fake it's not even funny.
"Oh heyy Sofia!" You look at her. " ok SO I'm having a party and you tOtes have to come" omg... I hate parties " um sure.." I wish I wouldn't have said yes just now ughh,
"Kk I'll text you the deets!" ...she walk away but turns around
"Oh y/n! Also invite some of your friends if you want" you grab your bag.
"Ok thanks"

End of POV-

———1:34/ study hall————

You finn and Sadie all are sitting in the library at a table

" so Sofia..the fakest girl in school..invited you to a party and you want me and Finn to come" you close your book. "yES..I don't wanna go their alone, they will end up BRAIN washing me some how. " true" Sadie laughs.
You go back tour your book and you start writing notes. Finn looks over and sees.
"Wow..your handwriting is pretty" he says. You look up at him and then down at your paper. "Oh um..thanks". "Well I'm gonna go look around for this a book" she says as she gets up. "Sadie st..". " you will be fine you have Finn"
" ya you will have me" he smiles
Sadie smirks and walks away
" uhm..sorry Sadie is like always leaving us together and stuff"- you get cut off.
"I don't mind..I mean do you not like me or something" he smirks
"N-no I do like u..I mean..I don't HATe you but"- Finn starts laughing.
"I'm just messing with you" he keeps laughing.
"Omg can you stop doing that" you slap his arm a little
" ow.. meanie!" he pouts and rubs his arm
"Oh stop being so dramatic" you roll your eyes and giggle
" it's not my fault your so easy to make fun of" he looks over
" well stAp" you keep writing. "Why would I if it's so cute when I do" he says..
You look up at him and almost blush
He just smiles at you

—-2 months pass—-

(💕luv y'all)xx

The first day// Finn wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now