Chapter 22

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"Hey, Em?" I ask while hugging my legs. I've been sitting on my bed in this position for the past thirty minutes. Emma just came back from her London exploring trip yesterday night and now it was around 9:00AM, she was about to leave so she could 'catch a glimpse of the Christmas decorations before anyone else'.

"Yep?" She asks not even taking her eyes off her phone.

"I think I like Luke..." At this point her heads snaps to look at me, she drops her phone and crawls into bed with me.

"I knew it!" She whisper-squeals. "Soooo, what happened between you two???"

"Um... Well..."

"You kissed didn't you?!" She guesses. I blush really hard. "Oh my god, you kissed!" She practically screamed. Oh goodness we're getting caught...

And I must've jinxed it cos as soon as I thought it, the door opened and Emma rolled off the bed and his behind it.

But fortunately, it was none other than Luke.

He was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a striped long sleeved shirt. His hair was flat and he was rubbing his eyes with his hands. He looked like a little kid. He looked adorable.

"Madi? You okay?" He yawned. His eyes were half closed and he looked like he was still half asleep. We must've woken up when Emma screamed. Hopefully he didn't hear what she screamed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. He then unexpectedly crawled into the bed next to me and snuggled close. It was EXTREMELY cute.

I then moved into a more comfortable position and moved his head to rest on my stomach. The I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and made myself comfortable. And at one point I drifted off to sleep lying next to Luke, forgetting all about Emma.

Em must've left while we were sleeping, because when I woke up later on she wasn't there. Plus I found a note stuck to my fore head saying:

You two are perfect for each other. Just saying... Be back tonight! - Em xxxxxxxxx

She went overboard with the xs.... And I'm glad I woke up before Luke or else he would've seen the note and... Well he... I don't know what the bad thing would be if he saw the note actually... Oh yeah, the fact that my best friend knows I like him and it might give him a hint and I mean I told him I liked him, but I didn't tell him I wanted to be more than friends, because... Ugh. Its complicated.

"Madison?" Luke's voice was raspy and he was still laying on my stomach. He was really close. "I had the strangest dream... I dreamt that you kissed me on the forehead last night and that we were sleeping in the same bed..." He then shot up catching me completely off guard. "Wait... That wasn't a dream was it?" Luke's raspy voice came out worried.

I blushed. I didn't know he was still awake when I kissed him. "Umm... Would you be mad if it wasn't...?"

"I... I don't think so...."

"So yeah, it was the truth. It wasn't a dream..." I bit my lip. God, this is so embarrassing...

And before I knew it Luke is staring straight into my eyes. "I think Ashton is gonna be really mad at me for asking this..." He starts. "But, it all depends on the answer... I've been waiting to ask you something for a while now...." The tugged his lip ring between his teeth.

"Go on..." I hold back a smile.

"W-will you be my girlfriend?" He looks at me and I get the feeling that I should mess with him, so I do.

"No." I say straight away, holding back my laughter.

"Oh... That's fine then, at least now we know. No harm done. Its cool. Its fine...." He rambles. I then smash my lips into his which takes him a minute to kiss back but he does eventually.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I chuckle pulling away from him, but with my fore head resting on his and my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Have I said that hell is filled with people like you, already?" Luke giggles. I chuckle. "Because its true." He says and kisses me again.

"But-" kiss. "What-" kiss. "About-" kiss. "Your-" kiss. "Brother?" Luke asks. That stops me, but I instantly smile.

"My brother can go f*%k himself." I say. Luke laughs. Its official then, Luke and I are dating.

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