Chapter 11

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I fell asleep on the couch and Emma was sitting on the floor with her head resting in my stomach, her asleep too.

I had been seeing the same picture in my mind over and over again. I don't really know what it was of. It was a person, I know that. It was someone I had seen before. I think it was a guy. Maybe it was Ashton. No, couldn't be. His hair was much lighter than Ashton's.

I couldn't really make out a face though. All I could see was his perfect blonde hair and his body. And the more I tried to focus on who it could've been, the more it faded away.

I then heard the door open, but I was too lazy to check who it was, until I realized I was hiding a person who was sleeping on me. I jumped up making my head dizzy and making Emma bolt up in pain since I could've clicked her neck.

"Shit, Madison! I could've been your brother!" Luke screeched.

"Yeah, but you're not." I rubbed my eyes relived that it wasn't any of the other boys.

"Yeah, but I could've been!" He came back at me.

"Stop using the word could've it was a possibility, I know, but it didn't happen so just deal with it." I sat up. "Why is there light outside?!" I screamed.

"Uh, cos we're in London... You asked me the same thing four hours ago."

"We're in London? What time is it?"

"Uh, about 6:30AM. Why?" Like asked.

"Because this freaking jet lag is annoying me. Tell me I'll have my own room in the 5SOS Mansion or whatever it is." I yawned.

"Nope, you're going to have to share a room with Ashton."

"WHAT?!" I screamed. (Not too loudly cos I didn't want anyone to hear) Luke started laughing.

"I was joking, calm the fudge down..." He chickled in the cutest way. Woah, what I'm I thinking?! Shut up Madison! Just shut up.

"While you people are all happy and laughing, I have a broken neck!" Emma exaggerated.

"What does that teach you about sleeping on me?" I ask laughing.

"Never again." She rubs her neck and pouts. Luke and I giggled our heads off. "Stop it! Stop laughing at my shame!" She screeched.


"So what I'm I gonna do in London? Since I'm probably not allowed out of the room..." Emma asks.

"Oh yeah. Well since you've never been in London before, you can just go around. I'm gonna have to go to interviews and stuff and the guys will want to play videogames with me, so yeah. But you can enjoy your time in London." I smiled.

"Okay cool. Can I go now? I mean I've slept so much I'm hyped." She giggled jumping up and down.

"Yeah, I'll help you sneak out. We have an interview at CAPITAL FM in Leicester Square, so we can meet there at noon or something okay?" I say going through my phone agenda.

"Okay." She nodds. (a/n yup I just had to).

I ran down the stairs with her following. "LUKE!" I shout. He comes to me and as soon as he sees Emma, he nods.

"Guys, I'm gonna take a short walk." I say. Which was partly true, there was a beautiful park behind the house and most if the residents don't really go.

"Okay be safe!" Ashton says from the kitchen.

"Kay!" I scream back. I open the door and Emma and I walk a couple of steps away from the house so that they couldn't see us from out the window.

"So where do I go?" She asks adjusting her outfit. She was wearing a pair of leggings with a jeans shorts over them and a cute mint green shirt over it. She had a coat on cos we caught England in mid-winter. And Christmas was in two days, meaning we won't be spending it at home. My first time away and I miss the traditional Christmas at home. In sunny Australia. Enjoying the sun and the perfect waves.

"Okay so you can take the Northern Line to Leicester Square and you should be able to go around from there." I smiled.

"Kay. I'll see you at noon!"

"Bye!" I wave.

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