Chapter 23

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I got dressed and ready for whatever we were gonna do today and then had breakfast. I was hyper excited about Luke and I having some sort of relationship. I hadn't had one in like what? A year?

I then decided I should do a YouTube video since I hadn't in like a week. So I set up my camera and started it. And no, I'm not just a gamer. I do talk videos as well.

"Hey guys! Its Madi here, and as you all know very well, I am Ashton's sister and if you're a 5SOS fan then you may know that I've joined them on tour. Its all cool down here, the boys are fun and the amount of food they eat is... Well absolutely huge." I start my video off.

"So, you'll never guess where I am. I'm in London baby! Oh yeah! I've done a bunch of stuff here, I went to a crazyass interview at Capital, which you can watch in the link in the description below if you wanna, and I ate cupcakes and yeah it was awesomely fun. Luke and I had a walk around and I met some of you Brits in Starbucks, shout out to Samantha who I took a selfie with because I loved her Blue hair. So Sam, tweet me that you saw this video." I laugh. I then hear the door open and Luke walks in. I was sitting on a couch so he sat next to me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

I turned around to look at the camera and said "oh yeah, and Ladison is real." I smile. I could imagine how many fans were screaming their heads off at this point. I kissed him again. "So, this is just an update guys, but I'm gonna need you to post questions on twitter with the hashtag #AskLadison because we're doing a Q&A next week and you can ask all about our relationship. How bout that huh?" I smile. "Okay, see ya later guys." I wave.

"Byeeee." Luke smiles and waves awkwardly. I then switch off the camera and watch back our video. "Awww, you're so cute..." He puts his chin on my shoulder and looks at the video from behind me.

"Aw, you're so awkward." I say when it comes to his part.

"Yeah, wow..." He rolls his eyes.

This moment is a moment that I'll probably never forget. We both get really quiet and we have suddenly turned to each other. I'm facing up at him and he's facing down at me. Our breaths are the only thing audible at this point. I'm staring straight into his ocean blue eyes.

I get on my tippy-toes and slowly make my way up to connect my lips with his. The electricity they call it? I thought it was something fake. Something you could never feel. But yet, I felt it. It was all so real, and I honestly couldn't believe it was happening. I never could have thought in million years that I'd end up being in a relationship with the Luke Hemmings. Like WTF!

"I like you very much." I say after we pull away. I'm still on my tip-toes and I boop his nose. I then go back down to my normal size and take his hand. "Now let's eat! I'm hungry!" I say when the moment is finished and I lead him downstairs. Never been happier in my entire life to be honest.

Luke must have been really happy too because his grin wouldn't leave his face and his cute little dimple was there. I brought my hand up and pocked Luke on his dimple. Making him look at me weird before laughing at me. "You're cute."

"You're a dork." I say after he boops my nose.

"Yep, I know we've established that..." He laughs. "Hey since you have a nickname for me, I should have one for you." He smiled.

"Okay, I like that. What are you gonna call me?" I look in the shelves to find something to eat without even touching the Vegemite since its absolutely disgusting. I take out the bread and put it in the toaster and then took out my peanut butter and jelly. Best food EVAH.

"Um... How about 'Kitten'?" He asks as I take out the slices of toast and put them on a plate.

"Kitten? What are we in the 60s?" I giggle and start spreading the peanut butter and then put the jelly on it.

"Okay, okay, just throwing ideas around." He smiled. I took the plate to the table and kissed him on the cheek.

"Any name will be fine, Luke don't worry. You're too self conscious." I sit down with him and give him a slice of toast which he takes.

Out of no where someone comes in and I see someone getting pushed against the wall and someone else kissing them roughly. What the hell?

"Ashton?" My heart started pounding. The girl who was 'kissing my brother roughly' wasn't just any girl. She was Bianca. The homewrecker.

They both stopped and they were really out of breath. Ashton's hair was a mess and his flannel was buttoned really badly. I stood up and stared at them with anger and hurt flowing through me.

"Why is she here? Why are you with her?" I ask, my voice trembling.

"Because I wanted her back. Soooo...." Ashton said. He sounded different. He wasn't Ashton, he was the same guy Ashton turned into when Bianca was around. I never thought I'd see that Ashton again. I guess I was wrong then.

"Ashton, no. We both know she's a homewrecker, a slut. Why is she here." My voice broke.

"Oh relax, McAllison. Your brother just wants to be happy once in a while and because you're here he asked me to be with him, so he is happy now." Bianca purrs. God, I hate her.

"My name isn't McAllison its Madison. " I growl. There's nothing that pisses me off more than Bianca. Then I notice Ashton is really distracted. "Ashton, are you drunk?!" I screech. I tumbles against the wall and then pushes himself up to his feet which completely fails so he falls onto his bum.

"Oh same thing." She rolls her eyes.

I rush to Ashton who is now looking around lost. "What did you do to my brother?" I don't look at her, I just focus on the crosseyed twenty year old in front of me.

"Nothing, he just had a couple shots and like three or four beers." She looked at her nails.

"By a couple, how many do you mean?!" I say alarmed. I'm honestly really worried about my brother since he was never really good when he was drunk.

"Like 6? Maybe 7 or 8... I don't remember..." She sighs. "Okay well, I'm gonna leave now since its gotten boring. Bye McAllison. Call me Ashhh..." She walks to the door.

"He will most definitely not." I say. When I hear the door slam, Luke rushes over to me and helps me out with Ashton. "Why'd you do that, Ash?" I ask as I clean the lipstick off his face.

"I just though... Why not!? I mean, I saw her at the bar so I said hi and then she told me to have some shots and then she offered me a beer and then she told me we could go back to her place and then there I had an other couple beers and then we cane back here and then I threw up in the bathroom and then she made me brush my teeth and then we made out and then you came in. Why is the room spinning?" He rambled. My eyes widened when he said they went back to her place. He couldn't have done it. I trust my brother. But then again he was drunk and he had no self consciousness at all.

"Ashton, why did you go to the bar in the first place. You shouldn't have gone." I say letting as tear slip out.

"Because you hate me...." After that, I instantly pull him into a hug.

"Ashton, I don't hate you. At all! And I never have! I never will. I love you Ashton. You're my big brother, my role model. You can never get drunk again. I care about you, Ash. I care enough to prevent you from getting hurt."

That's when I realized. This is why Ashton doesn't want me to date any of the band members or frowns upone dating someone. Because he cares so much that he doesn't want me getting hurt. Its not that Ashton doesn't care. Its that Ashton cares too much.

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