13:My Time In Beacon Part 2

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(My time in Beacon p2: Our Bond p1)


Y/N's P.O.V

(A/N:First things first you're wearing different clothing.)

(A/N:You're wearing that with black sneakers except the gloves

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(A/N:You're wearing that with black sneakers except the gloves. Andy is wear a black sleeveless shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers as well.)

After training with my brother we decided to take a long walk around Vale as we talked about everything that's happened in our lives.

"Wow, so that's how you got that scratch on your cheek. You compliment your soon to be teacher and get a slap across the face." Andy said before letting a short laughter.

"It's not funny. I'm a nice guy, I was just enjoying my day then out of nowhere a robbery happens and being the good person I am I decided to help but received a reward I didn't deserve." I said.

"It happens." Andy said, patting my back.

"Enough about me, let's talk about you." I stated as I put my arm around his shoulder bringing him closer to my side.

"I've seen the way you look at Mai, so when are you going to tell her?" I asked.

"W-What!? I don't know what you're talking!" Andy yelled before pushing me away.

"(Chuckles) Why are you so defensive about it?" I asked with a smirk.

"Mai!? Me!? I don't like her like that." Andy denied.

"Is that so? Well, good then that means I can still shoot my shots with her." I stated then noticed him ball his hands into fists as he let out a low growl at my statement.

"(Chuckles) I'm kidding just wanted to see your reaction and judging by your reaction it seems you don't like me getting near your territory." His face turned red.

"M-Moving on! I've come acr--" He was then interrupted.

"Uh-uh, mister wannabe ninja we're not moving on until you come clean. You like Mai." I stated.

"First of all, I am a ninja and second of all we're just friends." He said.

"And you'll stay as friends if you don't do something about it. I'm normally not about romance this or romance that but you have to take your chances. Her parents want her to marry some dude she doesn't know and she may not show it but she's vulnerable. If she wanted she could date any guy that could cheer her up and lucky for you, you're the closest to her. Sure, there's me and Joe but I don't see her that way and Joe and her have this friendly rivalry relationship going on so you really don't got much competition unless if we're talking about other guys in Beacon." I explained.

"What? So you're telling me to take advantage of her at her weak state?" He asked causing me to facepalm in disappointment.

"No, I'm telling you to be that guy she can turn to. This is not about getting with her anymore, this is about strengthening your bond with her and making her see she can talk to you plus she's kinda holding back the team's potential. If one of us falls so does the rest. Ya feel me?" Andy looked at me with a serious face before nodding in understanding.

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