1:Road to Beacon

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Y/N Terry Bogard' s P.O.V

(Starting from 00:12 to the end.)

I groan to the music coming from the alarm.

'I should change that ringtone.'

I reached out my hand and slammed it on the alarm shutting it off. I rubbed my eyes then sat up and yawned.

"Let's get this day over with." I muttered then got off the bed.

I made myself some breakfast nothing special just some good old cereal then watched some T.V. and ate my cereal. I then brushed my teeth and was currently in deep thought.

'When was the last time I saw Andy and Joe? Probably a few years ago. Joe must be loving his life being the champ of kick-boxing and all. Andy... I don't even know how he's doing or where he is. I already tried calling him numerous times and he hasn't picked up... maybe he's... no he's fine. I gotta believe that.'

"Hopefully one day I'll see them again." I muttered then finished on brushing my teeth.

I stared at myself in the mirror and noticed my big bushy tail was out but I ignored it then took a shower.

Timeskip(Thirty minutes later.)😁😁😑

Once I was done with the shower I decided to check out the basketball court, I wore the outfit I usually wore  everyday and hid my tail then left.

I'm currently standing outside the basketball court staring at a familiar blond-haired kid with red eyes whose trying to get the ball into the net but failed miserably. I chuckled at his frustration then walked up to him.

"Hey, Rock." I greeted.

"Oh, hey Terry

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"Oh, hey Terry." He greeted back but with an angry tone.

"What'd I tell ya last time? You can call me Y/N." I said messing up his hair with my hand.

"What? Why? Everybody calls you by your second name." He said.

"Yeah but your not everybody." I told him earning a cheerful smile.

"C'mon, let's play a little." He suggested then tossed the ball at me.

"Alright!" I accepted, catching the ball.

Timeskip(One hour later.)

We were sitting against the wall, taking a break.

"Y/N, what are you gonna do with your life?" He asked.

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