4:The first step

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Y/N's P.O.V

I fluttered my eyes open to the heat of the sun on my face, I groan as it blinds me then I moved my face before slowly sitting up, I turn to Joe who was still asleep.

'Where'd he get that sleeping bag?'

I let out a yawn then heard a voice happily singing, "It's morning" over and over waking some people up, I turn to see who it was...

I let out a yawn then heard a voice happily singing, "It's morning" over and over waking some people up, I turn to see who it was

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... a ginger-haired girl skipping around a guy with a purple streak in his hair.

 a ginger-haired girl skipping around a guy with a purple streak in his hair

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Timeskip(A few minutes later)😁😁😂

Jaune, Joe and myself were at the bathroom brushing our teeth then couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation between the girl and guy from the ballroom.

"I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full 24 hours, not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything I mean you're the perfect student and I'm well, I'm me but it's just crazy you know." The girl said but the guy remained silent, brushing his teeth.

'Are they suppose to be friends? Doesn't look like it. Wait, isn't this the boy's bathroom!'

Timeskip(A few minutes later)😁😁😀

We were back at the ballroom getting ready for the day. I was putting on my shirt, jacket and cap, while Joe... was picking his nose and Jaune disappeared.

"We've been friends for sooooo long. What are the odds we'd still be together... well not together, together... not that I'm not saying you're not handsome, you ARE handsome but that's just weird right?" The same girl said to the guy who still remained silent, doing other stuff.

'Okay, they're either really good friends or that relationship is completely one-sided.'

Timeskip(A few minutes later)😁😁🙂

We were at the cafeteria eating pancakes while talking about becoming the best huntsmen but our conversation was cut short to a loud orange-haired whose currently stuffing her face with pancakes.

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