14:My Time In Beacon Part 2

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(My time in Beacon p2: Our Bond p2)


Y/N's P.O.V

(A/N: You're in your school uniform.)

I was walking around Beacon just resting my brain from the long day of classes. I was outside looking for a place to just collapse until I heard a voice.

"Dang it! I almost had it!" A feminine voice yelled.

I walk towards the voice to see it came from Ruby who was currently doing something to her weapon.

"Hey, Ruby." I greeted but Ruby suddenly screamed as she quickly turned to see me.

"Oh! T-Terry, what are you doing here?" Ruby asked as her cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"I was just walking around until I heard you complaining. What are you doing?" I asked in curiosity.

"Just making a few changes to Cresent Rose." She replied.

"Need some help?" I asked.

"Sure." She said with a smile.

I joined her as we sat on the grassy field. We installed a few improvements to her weapon while talking about our teammates.

"It's different but we're making it work. They're not my friends from my old school but they're fine the way they are." Ruby muttered.

"I wouldn't know I never went to high school. I was more or less home schooled." I said.

"It's done. Let's see if it works." She muttered before attempting to aim.

"Yes! With this new installment I can see even further away." She said excited before standing still aiming at something.

"Let's see how much power it's got." She muttered before pulling the trigger.

The force knocked Ruby to her butt while the bullet was gone in a blink of an eye.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I-I'm fine. I might of added a bit too much power." Ruby stated, embarrassed.

"You're fine." I muttered before patting her head as her face slightly turned red.

Ruby then picked up a weapon before aiming at the direction she first shot.

"Ha! It hit it!" Ruby said happily before putting her weapon down.

"Mission Accomplished?" I asked.

"Mission Accomplished." Ruby stated.

"So, how's being the leader of Team RWBY?" I asked as I laid back with my hands behind my head.

"I'm still adapting into that role but I think I'm doing well so far. What about you?" She asked.

"Same but it's kinda stressful. I gotta keep the team in check, if something is wrong I gotta fix it but besides that I love making my team stronger through strength and bonds." I replied.

"You seem to be handling it like an everyday thing." She muttered.

"I guess. So is your team entering the Vytal Festival tournament?" I asked.

"Yeah. We've been training and I believe we're gonna win." She stated with determination.

"My team is also entering the tournament. I have a feeling we're going to win." I stated with confidence.

"At least one of us should win for Beacon that is." Ruby said.

"I agree." I muttered.

"By the way, where did learn how to fight like that?" Ruby asked.

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