18:My Time In Beacon Part 3

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Previously on The Legendary Hungry Wolf.

"Just so you know I don't know where this place is so get ready to lead the way." Joe confessed to Velvet.

"(Giggles) Don't worry I'll lead the way." Velvet said then grasped Joe's hand and his eyes widened.

"Wow, you have an incredible semblance." Velvet complimented.

"Thanks. I unlocked it when I was fighting in the ring years ago. (Chuckles) This is how I survived that landing strategy." Joe said.

"I have a camera that helps me mimic the moves of those I've taken a picture of." Velvet explained.

"But why haven't you used it? Like on Cardin for example?" Joe asked.

"One because Coco thinks it's not yet time to use it, she finds my semblance... different and that it shouldn't to used on small things. Two because I'm used to it." Velvet replied.

"People looking down on me cause I'm a faunus like right now I can feel people looking down on me." Velvet said and Joe looked around to see some people take a few nasty glance at Velvet while some stared in disgust.

'Is this why Terry and Andy hid their true identities?' Joe thought.

"I've defended myself once when I was kid against a boy who kept pulling my ears. I slapped him across the face at school, he reported me to the principal I tried to defend myself but they wouldn't listen cause I was a faunus, they ended up expelling me and that made lots of problems for my parents who were struggling at the moment." Velvet said.

"Should we buy all the drinks?" Velvet asked.

"That is if you got money." Joe said.

"We'll be using Coco card." Velvet said showing me a credit card bringing a smirk to Joe's face.

"A little revenge, huh?" He asked.

"Heh, this will teach her a lesson." She said with a smirk of her own.

"Next!" The Cashier yelled.

Joe and Velvet walked up to him but then he looked at Velvet in disgust.

"Sorry but animals are the last ones to pay." He said.

"W-What?" Velvet asked in surprise.

"Not my problem kid. That's just how life is, now move you're keeping other customers waiting." He said, Velvet looked down in defeat before turning to go but Joe grabbed her wrist stopping her.

"J-Joe?" She uttered in shock.

"You're not going anywhere." He stated glaring daggers at the Cashier.

"(Chuckles) What is she to you? Your girlfriend?" The Cashier asked and Joe felt his face heat up.

"... what if she was?" He asked.

"(Disappointed Sigh) Faunus Lover, you disgust me. You know she could be involved with the White Fang, right?" The Cashier asked.

"And what if she's not!? You're treating her like shit when she could be an innocent girl who just wants to live her life but there's assholes like you standing in her way! In my eyes you're the disgusting one, looking down on others while you're stuck as a damn cashier till you die!" Joe yelled as he began letting out his semblance.

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